


"Bonespo"? Are you fucking kidding me right now? This must be the new thinspo. In fact, thinspo 2.0-now with ramped-up morbidity so that you can see ALL the bones! LMAO!!

You anas are revolting, possibly worse than the #actually[NOT]autistic…

I reblog that Shit for myself, because I like it. Its a sickness. You don’t have to be so goddamn judgmental. I don’t promote anything. Anything I reblog is for me. Not anyone else.

So. Back the Fuck off.

  1. looking-nice-is-nice reblogged this from countesclarmonde and added:
    I reblog that Shit for myself, because I like it. Its a sickness. You don’t have to be so goddamn judgmental. I don’t...
  2. countesclarmonde reblogged this from looking-nice-is-nice and added:
    "I don’t promote anything" is in your blog description. You don’t promote anything, yet you defend the ‘bonespo’ tag?...
  3. autisticnewtongeiszler reblogged this from countesclarmonde and added:
    Can allistics please stop posting in our tag?
  4. pro-canunot reblogged this from countesclarmonde