全ての 136 コメント

[–]alpha_n3rd 31 ポイント32 ポイント  (4子コメント)

She can't read your mind, dude, cut it with the magical thinking. Obviously she's intelligent, Machiavellian, perceptive, and is familiar with and does not appreciate game. She probably felt insulted when she called you out and you failed to tone it down. I don't know if toning it down would have been the right call or not. Maybe you could have kept her longer. Maybe it's for the best that it didn't last any longer. So laugh it off, find something funny to do with the blowup doll, and move on.

Edit: Don't downvote OP's replies into oblivion. We all want to see what he said without having to expand it.

[–]Archwinger3 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

"A girl I'm not interested in fucking did..."

Sorry. I stopped reading. The answer is to ignore her and go do something productive. Go make some money, lift some weights, or fuck some other women. Why are you wasting valuable time posting on the internet about some ex?

[–]Moooooooof 70 ポイント71 ポイント  (66子コメント)

You know normally I wouldn't waste my time trying to get someone to cough up the so-called "red pill," but I think you've seen a glimpse of the light here, and might even be salvageable. The other commenters here are right about one thing: this wasn't a healthy relationship for you, and you should cut and run. However, they're wrong about everything else.

It comes down to this: she was doing to you exactly what you were trying to do to her. But as she is more emotionally intelligent than you are, she succeeded where you failed. That's one of the things that TRPs won't tell you: these despicable tactics can be applied to anyone, from anyone. Gender has nothing to do with it. Long before Red Pillers and Pickup Artists were a thing, this phenomenon had been identified and studied. It's called psychological manipulation, you can do it to anyone who isn't as emotionally intelligent as you are, regardless of gender, and it's a horrible thing to do to another person, regardless of context.

In other words, you've received a taste of your own medicine. Feels pretty bad, doesn't it? Despite what TRPs want you to think, you can't build a healthy, happy relationship on a foundation of psychological manipulation. I know, because I used to do it, to both men and women. I did it because it put me in a position of power, and it let me get what I wanted from them. There's one thing you might be right about: your ex may have borderline personality disorder. You know how I know? Because I have BPD and the heightened emotional awareness it gives me is what allowed me to manipulate others, in the exact same way she manipulated you.

As I left high school and entered college, I encountered people who were more emotionally intelligent than me, who I couldn't manipulate. They just thought I was an asshole, and they were right. It left me hollow inside. Depressed, cynical, unhappy with myself and my life. I eventually tried to take my own life, which is what led to me getting the help that I needed in the form of dialectical behavior therapy. And there, I learned what I was doing was wrong, and hurtful not just to the people I cared about, but intensely damaging to my own psychological well being.

So, you want to be slapped back to your senses? Cough up the red pill. She is a better red piller than you will ever be, and the best way for you to get over her is to realize that these kind of tactics are wrong, no matter who is applying them to who.

[–]witzzzer 28 ポイント29 ポイント  (23子コメント)

Dude you're gonna get banned....you're 100% right though.

[–]Moooooooof 29 ポイント30 ポイント  (22子コメント)

I know. Their philosophy is so flimsy that it can't stand up to critique, so they simply silence dissent. I knew that going in, which is why this isn't my main account.

OP saw my post though, and that's what matters.

[–]witzzzer 22 ポイント23 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Seriously....the answer telling OP to shit in a box with the doll, jizz on it, and send it to her got more upvotes and a positive reception from OP than your post did. Lmao. Funny how it's "psycho manipulation" when a girl does it to them, and "game" when it's the other way around. OP's chick is my hero.

[–]Mild111 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (20子コメント)

RP isnt about denying that some of these techniques have manipulation built in. The point is that ALL women will use manipulation techniques to some degree, so being able to identify and use them for your own advantage in a more unapologetic fashion, instead of being run over by her covert use of them, is an important part of being a man who respects himself enough for a level of mental health that allows him a sense of happiness.

A majority of info on here talks about shit tests and how to navigate these mind fucks so that we're not victims to our own perception of women's false victimhood complexes. These techniques are described in psychological manipulative terms (agree & amplify for example)

Anyone who doesn't understand that romance is ULTIMATELY about the mind and perception MORE than effort (quality above quantity) has already missed the understanding of why it's called RED PILL in the first place.

[–]Moooooooof 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (19子コメント)

The point is that ALL women will use manipulation techniques to some degree,

All people use manipulation techniques to some degree. Some are better at it than others. Some are more comfortable with it than others. But that doesn't make it right. "An eye for an eye" is no way to live.

That's the whole problem with the red pill philosophy. It's not novel: people have known about the power of psychological manipulation since antiquity. It's not gender specific: you'll always be able to manipulate someone who isn't as smart as you are, man or woman.

[–]TheAssh0le 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

A: "...all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more." The Red Pill is amoral. It's knowledge, not a guide on how to use it.

B: TRP =/= PUA. They have similarities, but they're not interchangeable.

There are many facets to TRP, chief among them is rejecting the Blue Pill or the psychological manipulation that was laid on us in the first place. Next is self improvement; mentally, physically, and financially. Psycho manipulation (Game) is pretty much the bottom of the list. According to what I've learned here so far, getting women into bed by increasing your SMV is infinitely greater than getting women into bed by mind-fucking them.

[–]Mild111 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I fully agree with you. Which is why identifying them, shutting them down, and then getting to an understanding that allows you to have a LTR without constant games, drama, and shit tests is important. The problem is that it takes such extremes to filter out the entitlement and drama of so much of the dating pool to find someone who will be intellectually 'real' with you. Some redpillers will disagree whether that's possible...but most sane people will agree that while rare, a drama free LTR can be possible if you aren't lying to yourself about what you want.

[–]alpha_n3rd -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (15子コメント)

But that doesn't make it right

Please explain how it is objectively wrong.

An eye for an eye

Straw man. TRP isn't about revenge.

[–]Moooooooof 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (14子コメント)

Please explain how it is objectively wrong.

If you need it explained to you, then you are beyond hope.

[–]alpha_n3rd -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (13子コメント)

You really suck at debate.

I don't see how manipulation is objectively wrong per se. People manipulate each other all the time. You could argue that every social interaction is a form of manipulation. Therefor by your logic all social interaction is wrong. So what do you plan to do, destroy the world then create your utopia where nobody manipulates anybody ever?

Maybe my wife acts like a psycho so I manipulate her to achieve household stability for the benefit of my children because study after study shows the importance of growing up in an intact nuclear family and frankly she is happier this way also. Is that wrong?

Is it wrong to steal a loaf of bread to feed your starving family?

Life is full of moral dilemmas.

[–]Moooooooof 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (12子コメント)

A "debate" requires there to be a position worth defending on both sides. When your stance is no more nuanced than "morality doesn't real" then there's no point in trying—you've already made up your mind.

[–]alpha_n3rd -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (11子コメント)

You came here to convince somebody to cough up the redpill and your best argument is "because I said so". Nice.

[–]Traz_Onmale -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think it depends on intelligence. A dumber person can manipulate a smarter one if he just knows the other's weaknesses and how to use those.

[–]autowikibot 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Psychological manipulation:

Psychological manipulation is a type of social influence that aims to change the perception or behavior of others through underhanded, deceptive, or even abusive tactics. By advancing the interests of the manipulator, often at another's expense, such methods could be considered exploitative, abusive, devious, and deceptive.

Social influence is not necessarily negative. For example, doctors can try to persuade patients to change unhealthy habits. Social influence is generally perceived to be harmless when it respects the right of the influenced to accept or reject and is not unduly coercive. Depending on the context and motivations, social influence may constitute underhanded manipulation.

Interesting: Psychochemical weaponry | Superficial charm | Bullying | Emotional blackmail

Parent commenter can toggle NSFW or delete. Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. | FAQs | Mods | Magic Words

[–]Walktillyoucrawl [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Yeah this dude totally got mind fucked.

[–]letsstartaflamewar [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

This is from your comment history

Wow! You are not smart at all, are you? Well, good, because that's the only thing I use this account for: tricking idiots into starting pointless arguments, because reddit logic amuses me to no end and someone always takes the bait, as you have here.

I'd explain why you're a fuckwit but that's boring; I'd much rather see what stupid comment you come up with next. But because I'm in a good mood, I'll get you started on the right track: you want the implication to be true. If it doesn't exist, then your initial comment is false. Now, I know that you're a little lacking in the brainpower department, but I think with this kind of head start you just might be able to wrap your head around my comment.

Sounds to me like you haven't learnt anything. You're still some immature kid trying to make themself feel relevant by bullying people on the internet. Still the same asshole. And now here you are preaching the moral high-road for more validation. I feel sorry for you.... all that potential, and this is the best you can do with it.

[–]Moooooooof [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Ah yes, digging through comment histories. Nothing says "you're right but I don't want to admit it" more profoundly. If you can respond to my argument, do so.

[–]MasterBaiterX [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

But how is screaming and crying in the hallway of his workplace and then playing it off as a joke when no one believes her in any way shape or form redpill.

How is sending him the doll or being cruel to him in any way redpill.

You say manipulation when you talk about TRP as if it were in the sidebar, as if this were more than just a blue pill strawman talking point. No matter which way you try to rationalize it, TRP is simply being the best man you can be, and projecting this unto all the relationships around you with a frame of confidence and not caring.

TRP isn't about manipulating others, it's about changing yourself, in TRP you are the only factor. It's not about changing the world around you, but changing who you are as a man.

The only thing OP did was apply "dread game", which is basically fancy talk for not putting her on a pedestal and making her the only woman in your world.

I think this woman embodies what you THINK the red pill is, but that doesn't make her redpill.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that this throwaway account, something that is rare on TRP in comparison to other subreddits, might not be a redpiller at all, especially due to the high number of blue pill brigading in this thread and this thread only. These subreddits are constantly getting fake posts that they then reply to on their real accounts with concern trolling, or that they simply post up on The Blue Pill saying "see look blah blah".

But whatever, that's besides the point, let's not get into conspiracy theories.

[–]Moooooooof [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

You say manipulation when you talk about TRP as if it were in the sidebar...

This TRP openly admits to psychologically manipulating his wife. You don't need red pill to be confident. You don't need red pill to be the best man you can be. The only place that red pill diverges from common sense is all the BS about "women are the oldest teenagers in the house." If you honestly don't think that red pill is all about manipulating and abusing the emotions of others, then you are in denial, plain and simple.

[–]MasterBaiterX [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

Don't link me things randoms in the comments said as "proof" of anything, anyone can come in here and say whatever they want, it does not mean that is what the side bar on TRP preaches, the side bar is Redpill ideology, anything else is what individuals choose to take it as.

What random idiots say in the comments is NOT what is on the sidebar. In the reply you even quoted me saying the sidebar so I don't understand why you are showing me comments from randoms. That shit might fly on The Blue Pill "omg look what this guy said! TRP IS EVIL!" but it does not fly here.

If you want to talk about TRPs take on gender roles, fine, you may have legitimate grievances with that depending on what your take is. But you made that post about manipulation.

The mere fact that you are showing me those posts, shows me that

A. you have not even bothered to read up the solid ideology and just troll the comments cherrypicking stuff you don't like and then believe that is TRP.


B. that you are more than aware that this is being brigaded, having saved those comments shows me you take your lame crusade against TRP super duper srsly and further convinces me that this is probably all some lame troll job.

[–]Moooooooof [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

What random idiots say in the comments is NOT what is on the sidebar.

Yeah, those aren't random idiots. Those are TRP mods and "endorsed contributors." They embody the RP philosophy to a T, and you're in denial if you don't believe that.

take your lame crusade against TRP

I've received multiple PMs from would-be redpillers telling me that my "lame crusade" steered them away from your sick philosophy. That alone makes posting in reddit's septic tank worth it.

[–]favours_of_the_moon [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

This is not true, because women view and experience "power" differently than men do.

Also, if a man is not assertive in the relationship, a woman will think he is being passive aggressive. So a man has to be assertive. The gender roles are different.

[–]trpaderp -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (5子コメント)

You know, I read a lot of comments from people like you all over reddit. I can't help but think you all have a problem with reading comprehension.

An idiot can read the bible or the koran and decide that stoning and sharia are good ideas. An insightful person can read the same books and come away loving their neighbors and doing good.

You read TRP and come away with "psychological manipulation." You implemented things wrong because you were an asshole. You have psychological problems. You admitted this yourself.

Most people here read TRP and come away with self respect and good boundaries. You got the message wrong. OP is still learning and also got the message wrong. The difference is that OP is looking for help and you are just bringing everyone down.

So how about you either a) read and seek to understand or b) go back to lurking. You don't contribute much to the conversation this way.

[–]Moooooooof [非表示スコア]  (4子コメント)

You know, if you frequently have to defend your philosophy from people who contend that it constitutes psychological manipulation, maybe it's time to find a new philosophy.

This TRP has no problem admitting that red pill "philosophy" is psychological manipulation, he's just a psychopath who thinks it's okay to manipulate whoever he wants to. Maybe you need to learn a little bit more about the philosophy you espouse, or as you so eloquently put it, "go back to lurking."

The red pill philosophy is so obviously psychological manipulation that I have a really hard time believing anyone could say it isn't with a straight face. I mean, just look at this stuff, from TRP "endorsed contributors" and mods.

Manipulating women is okay because they're terrible!

Peeing in a woman's mouth? No abuse here!

Show your girlfriend pictures of your ex just to make her feel insecure? Why not!

Treating women like children is fine, but she gives me the same treatment? OH HELL NO!

Consent? What's that?

The only good ideas that TRPs have are common sense. Work out. Take care of yourself. Be confident. This is nothing new. It's the ideas that TRP does not share with common sense—treat women like children, keep them guessing about your emotions, consent don't real—is where we begin to stray into psychological manipulation.

If you don't think that the red pill philosophy doesn't place manipulating the emotions of women front and center then you don't know as much about the red pill philosophy as you think you do.

[–]trpaderp [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

So you take a bunch of words you don't understand and quote them out of context. Try that with any work of psychology or your own conversations and you'll quickly see how evil everyone is. Anyone can be demonized by small minds.

Face it, you never really got what RP is about and you still don't. You don't come here to learn and observe but to reinforce your pre-existing bias. That's what everyone here means when we say that you can't make someone take the pill.

There are plenty of insights in RP that go beyond lifting. Your advice about "be confident" is a perfect example of what we provide. The BP crap says "be confident" but nobody in BP land knows how to do that. I'd bet $100 that you don't either. RP teaches what being confident is, what it looks like, and how to communicate it.

You come in here on a high horse about "manipulation" and simply don't see what's going on. You are trying to manipulate me using loaded terms and shoddy evidence. Is that psychological manipulation? The case could easily be made that it is. If so, then everything we do in relationships is psychological manipulation.

When RP members admit to "manipulation" we are simply using your loaded terms so that you can understand what we say, begrudgingly accepting negative connotation. It is to facilitate communication much the same way we speak in generalizations.

Ultimately the manipulations are nothing more than the practice of enforcing good boundaries, putting ourselves first, managing conflict, and keeping the terms of our relationships mutually beneficial. There never has been and never will be anything wrong with that. What offends you is that you were unable to apply RP successfully so you come here with your sour grapes.

OP is still learning how RP works. He tried to apply a technique without understanding what it is about. Everyone does this at some point in life. Most of us learn either to stop applying that technique or we learn the point of the technique. You did the former, this forum is for people who want to do the latter.

If you want to debate go elsewhere. That is not what this forum is for.

[–]Moooooooof [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

Face it, you never really got what RP is about and you still don't.

Son, I realized that psychological manipulation was a horrible thing to do before red pill even existed. Most normal humans beings do. I know exactly what RP is about, it's not hard. It's a place where a bunch of awkward teenagers have sought solace from a bunch of awkward manchildren who advocate emotionally manipulating women because they never figured out how to interact with them in a healthy manner.

You can use whatever words you want to define it. It's still a fucked up thing to do to another human being.

If you want to debate go elsewhere. That is not what this forum is for.

Hey, sorry I interrupted your echo chamber with some common sense from the real world.

[–]trpaderp [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

You will never win your argument with manipulation like that. Ad hominem attacks are passe to say the least. Come here to ask for insight and try to learn, not to argue. There's a specific forum just for that. /r/PurplePillDebate

Go brigade elsewhere.

[–]Moooooooof [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

You will never win your argument with manipulation like that.

Oh good, another red piller who doesn't understand the distinction between persuasion and manipulation.

Come here to ask for insight and try to learn, not to argue.

That's rich.

[–]alpha_n3rd -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

it's a horrible thing to do to another person

I do it to my wife for the sake of my kids and I feel great about it. If I'm an asshole I'm a do-gooder vigilante asshole.

[–]Haptic_Affinity 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Everyone is taking this far more seriously than I am. It's pretty cut and dry imo. Possible scenarios:

  • She's crazy -> cut all contact and move on
  • You're blowing things out of proportion and overanalyzing -> cut all contact and move on
  • You're crazy -> get some help
  • You're making shit up -> we are not amused

[–]Lochleon [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

You forgot "she's just smarter than this fool".

[–]likechoklit4choklit1 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

What, exactly, is mindfucking you? Why has her behavior rattled you so much?

I don't know you, I only have your one post to go on here so here's a Couple guesses: You were taken by surprise - Redpill gems were found to be ineffective against this person. She then moved on to personally insult you from afar - She took time out of her day to harass you after the relationship was over. So now you have a choice, let her continue to be an asshole at you or to do something about it, but what? My advice is to let her continue taking pot shots at you and you ignore it, don't retaliate - ignore. But none of that will mitigate the hurt that you're feeling, it will just keep you out of future trouble - she'll move on to a satisfying relationship or another dude to harass who retaliates, and you'll be off the hook.

Take an honest assessment of this: Why did the trajectory of this relationship hurt you? Does it represent a failure on your part? Does it represent a failure of RP? What stability did this relationship knock away? In later posts, you mention a threesome and other sexual conquests, so I can only assume that you are feeling a deficit of "manliness" otherwise that shit wouldn't have the banners flown. But manliness is a social construction used to pressure men into stuff they may not do otherwise. If you're feeling a deficit of masculinity, none of that is on her, you were prone to negative feelings of how you were upholding this concept before you even got into the relationship. If it makes you feel any better, a nasty relationship is a manly right of passage.

Maybe your faith in RP philosophy is a little rattled. It should be. Redpill has some nuggets of wisdom but anything that references how "all women act" and "all women are" tend to be the grossest simplifications on the planet. Redpill behaviors breaks down for polyamorous relationships, and leads to some really fucked up relationship dynamics in bisexual and gay men and women. All she did was learn the ropes, as a lot of game is simply a behavioral algorithm. Anyone can read it, do it, apply it, because part of the manipulation is an implicit value system that puts the practitioner in the center of their own universe. Rich folk are awesome at this because they often have other routes to overcome obstacles other than enduring them; The problem is other people's behaviors not their perspective on the reality: hollaback college republicans!. So, paired with some brains, and not really giving much of a shit about you (some of which may have been because she read up on TRP and felt you were insulting her agency), and a life devoid of real struggle, she spends her time "fixing" you by "teaching you a lesson" because she has time for it and consequences may never touch her.

Maybe you are feeling victimized by being subject to harassment in your home? Hence the paranoia. What part of you is feeling the fear response? That she knows your RP secret? Most women over 25, if they're smart, know your secret too. They've been in the wild long enough to get a hang of it. Is it because she can strike your insecurities at any time? Get a fucking restraining order and then leave this girl in the past. Are you just insulted and you don't like it? Motherfucker, you know that better people than her have said worse things about you, right? This is just personal because of some mental state you're in, which is exactly what you have to sit down and query until you feel like you understand yourself the same way you know your weight limit at the bench press.

Maybe you really enjoyed having an intelligent woman on your arm. In which case, maybe you need to sew on some beta behaviors to retain a chick instead of going 100% pure dread all day, cuz emotionally intelligent women will see that as abuse, and a big component of love is a feeling of reliance and stability. You, however, read like you are still in your wild oats phase, so just be more subtle and stop seeming like you are actively uncaring as best you can.

[–]throw2015away[S] -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fuck, that was good, brutal but honest. THANK YOU! I need some time alone to figure out the answers to some of your questions, thanks for giving me a place to start.

[–]WhatsHerFace92 13 ポイント14 ポイント  (2子コメント)

The answer is obvious. This girl saw right through your game and has obviously read all about the tactics here and is exacting revenge for what she considers unfair treatment. When you apply a formula so rigid i.e frame don't be surprised someone who hates it picks up on it and uses it against you.

Best thing to do is bin the doll and work on meeting someone else.

[–]OscarWhisky 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Bin the doll, are you mad?

[–]alpha_n3rd 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is what I was trying to say.

[–]ValerieMoses 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (0子コメント)

So she mirrored every TRP trick in the book? These replies are incredibly ironic considering she's doing exactly what you guys tell each other to do to girls.

[–]tymet1 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I got a package delivered for my birthday and it had a sex doll in it

To be fair to the psycho bitch, that's some pretty gangster shit

If I were you I'd put the doll in the bed, under the covers, like it was sleeping, and then take a creepy picture and send it to her with the line "Wild night. She's exhausted. Thanks for the presents"

[–]HV123 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Did you start playing games with her before she started with you? It seems a bit weird that she would start acting like that out of the blue, unless she's nuts. I'm just cautious because you only hear one side of the story in a post. To be honest it does sound a bit like you said some stupid stuff.

Anyway, maintain no contact and do not react. Learn from your mistakes. It sounds like a total shit storm relationship tbh. Yes you got mind fucked. Don't react, but document what has happened in case "shit gets real", to use the vernacular.

[–]iseelivingpeople 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (3子コメント)

What the fuck????? This is like some SAW level shit. Avoid her at all costs please. Next thing you know you'll wake up in a warehouse having to solve puzzles to find your way out alive.

[–]HiddenPools 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (0子コメント)

She might have dug into his internet history and found TRP. Then decided she wanted to "play a game".

[–]HV123 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

lol nice one

[–]TimPartendale -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]teeay 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You can let her toy with you like a cat with a mouse, or you can force her out of your mind and move on.

GFTOW might be the best advice here.

[–]TheAssh0le 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

You're over thinking this dude, you're letting yourself be mind-fucked.

She's intelligent and extremely Machiavellian. She saw through your game, got bored with you and/or your relationship, and instead of berserk mode screaming and yelling (most girls) she decides to mind-fuck you (Machiavellian).

And chill out with the mind reading nonsense. You said yourself that you were very rigid with your frame and game. It doesn't take a rocket surgeon to predict someone that's extremely predictable.

Personally, I'd sell the doll, sell the services, and continue radio silence. If you do decide to respond and fuck with her back, don't seem angry. Feel free to be cruel, but maintain Amused Mastery. u/tymet has a good idea.

[–]littledazed 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (12子コメント)

Lol this can't be real. 4/10 try again

[–]vandaalen6 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Cool story, bro. Why not write it as a green text and post it to /b/?

Sell the doll, buy two hookers with the money, take photos while you fuck them up their asses, shit in a box, stick the photos in, jizz on them, put a thank you card in it. Send it to her.

[–]throw2015away[S] -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Well, at least you made yourself useful, thanks for the suggestion, definitely on my to do list.

[–]el_Technico 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

OP leave out the jizz. Never give your sperm to a crazy chick.

[–]the_fail_whale [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Oh yeah, she can totally spermjack you from the residue in the box.


[–]Nr_1_Riker 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

She sounds crazy. You dodged a bullet with her, avoid any contact with her, but don't let her see you're avoiding her. Just don't engage with her in any way. Honestly, normal girls don't do this. Document what she's doing just incase the shit hits the fan later on.

[–]naive_psychonaut 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Er, that's BPD. That is exactly what a really smart and high-functioning BPD (arguably HPD at this point, which is Insane Difficulty in comparison to BPD being Hard Mode) is like.

[–]MasterBaiterX 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Jesus man that's some gone girl shit.

At least you're out. Take the hit to the old male ego and be glad she only did that and apparently had a "good ride". The way I see it she's off to find someone who will bend to her shit, she says you're the one looking for someone who won't talk back, but I feel like she's projecting big time.

[–]Dorrog 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Come on...

[–]ohhaio1 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'll step in to defend the plausibility of the OP - I don't know anything particular about him at all, but I have a friend who has told me a very similar story regarding a woman who is heiress to some guy's fortune.

My buddy met her via a dating site, went to her place (luxury high rise penthouse) for the first meeting, and reported some eerily similar things about their couple of fuck-dates.

She's 30-something (aka post wall) and scarily intelligent, all the free time in the world (big trust fund) and the narcissism and entitlement that can only come from the exponential combination of big money, looks, endless freedom/ennui and of course, a vagina.

So, though I have no direct evidence, I'm voting "plausible".

OP: GTFO and stay away.

[–]throw2015away[S] -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sounds like her except this one was 23 and her daddy's spoiled little girl.

[–]kip9 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I doubt that she knows about TRP or PUA tactics. It's most likely that, as you mentioned, she is just very intelligent and very perceptive. My guess is that once she noticed your games, she decided to play a few in return. Intelligence and perception are a deadly combination and people possessing these two qualities in abundance will not typically allow themselves to be, if they perceive it as such, manipulated.

If you want to recover, you have to first identify what it is, exactly, that left you feeling "mindfucked". Yes, she did play mindgames and beat you at your own game but why did that disturb you so? Perhaps it may have something to do with her qualities and package being inconsistent with your perception of reality. You have three choices:

1) Bury this in the back of your mind in order to quell the cognitive dissonance that arises from realizing what kind of woman you were dealing with (as she did many things that may have made you question your views and actions).

2) Pretend that she had issues of her own (like BPD) and that you were associating with a mad woman. Yet, the nagging question of how true your dismissals may be considering the clarity and sharpness of mind she seemed to demonstrate.

3) Realize that she was a wake up call. How you view yourself, women, and the world is skewed and it took a strange but worthwhile adversary to beat you at your own game to make you understand this.

[–]lewd_operator 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Holy fuck, dude, that is definitely some scary shit. She sounds like a weirdo manipulative type, for real.

I think she probably is a very smart girl with too much time on her hands. I think it will pass, but you have a reason to be paranoid. I really hope this is the last you hear from this girl. I was loving her until the drastic turn of events. You're not crazy, and maybe she is off her rocker or just gets off on fucking with people. Hey, at least she is still thinking of you. And you got a high end sex doll. Sweet!

Edit: one theory I might have is that she was "smart" enough to sort of be onto your method of handling business and knew that you wouldn't be susceptible to her fucked up ways. So she is fucking with you out of spite. Maybe.

[–]throw2015away[S] -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

It'll be a cold day in hell before I keep that thing in my house, she could have cameras installed in it!

[–]lewd_operator 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I thought of that as soon as I hit send. Good call. Still, it's pretty funny, in a completely fucked up way.

[–]throw2015away[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

To an outsider, maybe.

[–]JohnnyMGTOW -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You sir have found a level 10 psycho. She really had your wheels turning. When she could start predicting your responses she got board of you and found you unworthy of her attention. She seemed to know everything you were going to do and was one step ahead.

Expect her to play more games with you if she gets bored.

[–]thelotusknyte -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This gave me chills.

[–]3rt41 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You need to cut all contacts with this person.

[–]smokingtransistor -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

He heh you got a smar one say thabks she did not played you more . Sounds bpd-ish from what you say. I got some of that myself, and they tend to induce that feeling of paranoia. But this happened by your fault as well, it takes two to dance, so suck it up, and learn from your mistake. You think she has power because you allow it(all this) to affect you, and it does afect you. This is a sign of insecurity on your part. You have to reach the state of mind where you do not get affected by emotions. It's almost a zen state when you internalize what really matters in the world for you. When you realize that each of us have needs and whishes and that no one is bound to you in any way. There are cases when perfect game would not work, and you'll have to deal with it. So stop thinking about her, get your shit together and focus on becoming better. And i mean better not only phisically but also mentally. You have to be the captain - and a captain cares about his ship, and his crew. He will not be prone to drama yet have emotions when needed. (Adama from bsg comes to mind) Cheers mate and good luck to you !

[–]geminimini 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You couldn't handle the amount of shit incoming your way, you got shat on by this chick, and are still covered in her shit.

Go take a shower, wash off the shit and move on.

[–]favours_of_the_moon [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

The problem is, she was able to access your lizard brain. And apparently still is.

Let me think of a comeback. lol This girl is definitely a player.

It seems to me that she likes you. You could really win her over for good. I mean if she wanted to, she could be a keeper. But, you have to "defeat" her.

[–]Apanthropos -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

The whole thing started when you started treating her like LTR. You tolerated ("ignored") her shit for the sake of the relationship. This gave her the power to act freely and disrespect you. Now, she misses you but she does not repect you.

Ignore her as now she is a lost case and there is no reason for you to go through the trash.

[–]Reddthrown1 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Sounds like you were dealing with a narcissist. Ignore. Look at: http://www.halcyon.com/jmashmun/npd/howto.html

[–]throw2015away[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Thanks for the link, many of the things mentioned fit her perfectly.

[–]Reddthrown1 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I shared a flat for 3 months with a textbook one, never again. You have my sympathy.

[–]stillnoturday [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

Guys do you really not see this is a troll post and people like /u/Moooooooof and others are just using this as a platform to post anti-rp and white knight bullshit.

[–]meowsatmoon [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

The paranoia is strong with this one.

[–]stillnoturday [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Two barely used accts... and as for yours you are a woman that is against TRP based on your post history. It's ok that is what the report button is for, you aren't that smart but you already know that.