



Video: Jimmy Kimmel’s “I Told My Kids I Ate All Their Halloween Candy” YouTube Challenge: 2014 Edition

To the people that share the “Haha we ate all your Halloween candy” videos.

Let me just state out loud that I think this is a completely shitty thing to do. I think this every freaking year when these get shared.

I had a step parent that loved to jokingly say that he had thrown my things out or given away my pets or any other thing that he thought would break my heart and then laugh. It’s cruel. And a “just kidding” afterward doesn’t make your child trust you again. It just teaches them that you think their pain is funny.

Now this was a man who would deliberately break my things, kill my pets, hurt me regularly as a child.

You are teaching them that you find humor in their hurts..

And if that is the kind of person that you are, I think less of you.

And if you want to stand up for it just being a little fun and games you can look up in my post and see who I am comparing you to in my head. Kids don’t have rulers in their head that they measure out the hurts the parents and caregivers give them. There isn’t really a they hurt me big, they hurt me small. In their head it’s just ‘My parent hurt me, and laughed when they did it.”


I’m sorry but no. There is a difference between a little joke and hurting your child. After a prank it’s not just a little “I’m sorry.” it’s continuing to reassure kids that you love them. 

Crappy parents that prank their kids exist, but so do loving parents. This one incident isn’t going to define a kid, it’s the whole of the parenting. I was pranked every April fools day. >w< I don’t even remember the bullshit that I got told. But those are actually pretty fun memories. 

Be safe about pranks. Be nice.

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