
bmvagabounce asked: Even if female costumes arent always as 'slutty', I feel like they're also typecast very heavily as the typecast for feminine. It irks me a lot, as I see loads of the 'same' costume where the only difference is pants turn into a skirt or a dress and generakly show a lot more skin. I see lots of like silly full body, one size sort of costumes for men and then a pretty tight and much more revealing dress for women.

Tbh there’s no such thing as a ‘sl*tty’ costume anyway because ‘sl*t’ is just a misogynistic slur based in the patriarchal idea that women lose some kind of worth if they have sex, so fuck that. Someone could walk around naked and it wouldn’t be ‘sl*tty’.

Having said that, there does need to be a wide variety of costumes so that people can wear what they are comfortable with! The fact that what society considers to be ‘women’s costumes’ are so sexualised is a constant source of frustration for many people!

  1. feministroosterteeth posted this
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