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[–]KiboshWasabi 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (29子コメント)

Dad sounds like an asshole BUT he had every right to beat the ever loving fuck out of you, honestly it sounds like you got off lightly. Even without religious disparities or qualms about premarital sex. Even if you shared religions and were already married, you don't say that shit to a man about his daughter. You were wrong. You were right, until you said that shit, now the fallout IS your fault. I don't say that to shame you, take it to heart and appreciate the advice therein. If you want to sustain any relationship with this woman, you need to own it, period. This is first hand experience by the way. We've been together 18 years now, it took seven to reunite her with her dad, another two for he and I to interact civilly and by the time he passed five years later we could call each other friends. Its all about respect man.

[–]Captian_Cocksmith 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You are an idiot.

[–]eliasv -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (12子コメント)

You're an idiot. The father had no right, and should be grateful to OP that he has not decided to have him arrested for assault.

Its all about respect man.

If I were OP I would not respect this man. And it sounds like this man does not really respect his daughter and her decisions. He does not have any right to be angry about the way she chooses to express her sexuality.

[–]headlesshorsehead 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (4子コメント)

You don't go to the king's castle for dinner and tell him he's stupid and that you are about to do something with his daughter that you KNOW he does not approve of. You turn down those invitations, if that's they way you feel and think.

You are the idiot.

The downvoting here is amazing...I imagine it's clearly young people, who don't know shit about anything, but think they know all about everything (ALWAYS in THEIR favor), versus people who KNOW about life and how to respect others ESPECIALLY on THEIR turf, when KNOWN disputes exist. Dispute is NOT the point of cordial dinner invitations, that is a DIFFERENT time and place. You KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT.

Stupid people leave a LOT of wreckage in their histories doe to their ignorance of this type of issue.

[–]eliasv 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

He's not the 'king' of a 'castle'. If you invite someone into your home, and they accept your invitation and are polite and respectful towards you and your family, you don't treat them like shit, constantly disrespect them, and try to get a rise out of them all night. It's a two way street. Who gives a shit if it's his 'turf'? That doesn't give him a free pass to treat his guests like crap and vocally disrespect his daughter's choices at every opportunity.

[–]danheskett 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Who gives a shit if it's his 'turf'? That doesn't give him a free pass to treat his guests like crap and vocally disrespect his daughter's choices at every opportunity.

That's probably a agree to disagree moment. The basis of polite society is that you follow the hosts rules when you a guest. If they ask you take your shoes off, they come off.

The dad is in the wrong for the beat down. Everything else is on the OP. You go to Church, you get the sermon. Don't want a sermon, don't go to Church.

[–]noavgho -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sorry, but it's his house and his daughter so he actually has a free pass to do whatever he wants. OP should have just left the house if he was so angry.

[–]ShardikOfTheBeam 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Reddit formatting is here to help!

[–]Bubbles7066 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is no excuse to violently assault someone for something they've said to you. Yeah, yell back, tell them to leave, call the police whatever, but you don't beat someone up just because they've told you something you don't like, that's fucking mental.