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Comics Creator Invents “The Womansplainer”; Charges Lazy Men To Learn About Feminism
Oh, have I been
to mansplaining all along? How do I get off that list?
by Carolyn Cox
Tuesday, October 7th 2014 at 12:08 pm
The world is full of men who don’t have time to Google feminism but have plenty of time to denounce it. Information is literally more easily accessible today than it has ever been before in the history of our species, but because misogyny is too often perceived as a women’s issue, the onus for explaining feminist theory online usually falls on the ladies of the Internet. It’s a struggle zine and comic creator
Elizabeth Simins
is all too familiar with:
I should start a "consulting" service where for a fee men can purchase my time to learn about why it's ok for women to be angry at them
And the mad genius really did it. As a reminder that, in her own words, it’s “not okay for men on the Internet to demand that women use their time to explain things to men for free,” Simins has designed “The Womansplainer,” a consulting service for “men who have better things to do than educate themselves about feminism” (and no ear for sarcasm, apparently).
A drop down menu lists the questions Simins will discuss with her clients:
- Why isn’t misandry hate speech? / Why isn’t reverse racism real?
- What about male victims of domestic violence/sexual assault/etc?
- What is intersectional feminism? What does “cis” mean?
- Do feminists hate sex/humor/fun?
- Are all feminists lesbians?
- When is a rape joke okay? Stop censoring my edgy humor!
- Aren’t you worried about alienating potential allies?
- Give me some examples of how women aren’t treated equally.
- Explain rape culture /the patriarchy / what “systemic” means.
So, lazy dudes, how to tell if you owe it to society to invest in a feminist’s time? If, upon reading the headline for this article, you zipped down to the comments to call me sexist and defend the honor of lazy men everywhere, you
need the “Womansplainer.” Ditto if your Disqus name is “Devil’s Advocate,” if you use “free speech” as an excuse for behaving terribly on the Internet, or if you can’t understand why just ignoring harassment or misogyny online doesn’t feel like an option for some people.
And no, we do not need a competing “Mansplainer” service to make the consulting field more egalitarian. Everyone gets
enough of that for free, thank you.
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AverageDrafter • a month ago Needs a bullet on the difference between 2nd and 3rd wave Feminism.Apparently critics of Feminism think it stopped evolving in the 70s.-
Linden > AverageDrafter • a month ago Or even that there was no feminism prior to the 1970s. Women advocating for their rights is not some freak recent development that is going to go away if people wish hard enough.-
Tiffany Starnes > Linden • a month ago Or that feminist won all the battles in the 70's, and now they just want to have everything easier than men.-
Linden > Tiffany Starnes • a month ago I actually had a male friend say this to me one time after I'd known him for about a year. Then he said, "Now you like me, so it's too late for you to get rid of me." Oh yeah?-
Linden > frankenmouse • a month ago Had to. Perhaps not surprisingly, that opinion turned out to be a indicator of other toxic opinions he held on a number of other subjects. It was just the tip of a hidden iceberg of crap.-
adamnarcross > Linden • 20 days ago Well I'm sure he's better off for it, now he doesn't have to walk on eggshells and worry about saying the wrong thing around you. Now he can relax and go through the day without the feeling that everyday is like taking the approval SATs
JustPlainSomething > Linden • a month ago Yes, because THAT'S how friendship works. DEAR LORD.
Laurelinde > Tiffany Starnes • a month ago Yup. 'Cos changing employment laws erased sexism in our culture entirely, just like how Martin Luther King erased racism so it's totally gone!(Sadly, a lot of people think this is true, too. The laws are the easy part; changing minds and culture is the real work.)-
philomela786 > Laurelinde • 25 days ago Yeah, I remember racism. So glad THAT's over with.
Laura Truxillo > AverageDrafter • a month ago "Well ____, a noted feminist from the 1960's say ___*insert horrible and/or dated thing here*___, so how do you feminist justify THAT!" -
nationman > AverageDrafter • a month ago you mean the fact there's a billion different schools of feminism all disagreeing on the fundamental definition?-
AverageDrafter > nationman • a month ago Well, there are many schools of big-F "Feminism", but they all largely accept the definition of little-f "feminism" as the belief that women should be treated as the societal equal of men.Of course that belief takes a ton of different forms on specifics.-
nationman > AverageDrafter • a month ago right there's people that believe that by killing all men it's going to make women equal to them.-
AverageDrafter > nationman • a month ago Sorry, didn't realize you were trolling. I apologize for trying to engage you in a conversation. -
nomi209 > nationman • a month ago There are people who believe the world is controlled by alien lizards masquerading as humans, too, but why are we talking about them?-
Owen Allen > nomi209 • a month ago We're talking about them because the alien lizards' mental control of us slipped for a moment, I presume. -
Adam Blackhat > nomi209 • a month ago If we don't talk about the Visitors soon, it's going to be too late. Do you want your children to be digested inside of their queen? DO YOU?!-
Emma > Adam Blackhat • a month ago I, for one, welcome our lizard overlords. I've spent many sessions with my colleagues discussing how best we should honor them in our daily lives... Together we will withstand the petty arguments of the non-believers! -
Sarah Eisenstein > Adam Blackhat • a month ago Dude, you're not gonna be able to convince them, they're totally under the mind rays. Personally, I just look forward to being able to say "I told you so." -
Fabian Öhlin > Adam Blackhat • a month ago Well, my kids did NOT turn out how I wanted, so yeah, I kind of do...(Edit: I don't actually have kids)-
Adam Blackhat > Fabian Öhlin • a month ago The mind rays make you THINK you didn't have disappointing kids.-
Fabian Öhlin > Adam Blackhat • a month ago Well, either way it all turned out alright.
The Themysciran > AverageDrafter • a month ago Hmmm, personally i like to say liberation instead of equality because equality kinda ignores intersectionality.
effingunicorns > nationman • a month ago Citation needed for any cohesive groups outside of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wave feminism, radical feminists (who are radicals and therefore not very popular outside their own group), and trans-exclusive radical feminists. No citations permitted before 2004, preferred from 2009 or later.
Brett W > AverageDrafter • a month ago Judging by some blogs I've stumbled onto, that belief is not entirely unjustified, though I'd say it only properly applies to the more radical sects. But that's probably splitting hairs.-
AverageDrafter > Brett W • a month ago Actually, I've seen this a lot. The Steinem era brand of Feminism is still the one that many people think of when you say the word "Feminist".This has been a major disconnect in some of these discussions I've seen, particularly when it comes to sexuality. The assumption is that ALL Feminist fit into this basic 2nd Wave mold, which some surely do, but the majority do not from my experience.-
littlethingsthatmatter > AverageDrafter • a month ago Heck,I've recently been to a conference where there was a difference in opinion between 2nd Wave and 3rd Wave feminists considering the question wheter or not Grey's Anatomy is empowering. It's not like we are a hive mind and agree on everything. -
Adam Blackhat > AverageDrafter • a month ago It'd be nice if everyone wore badges that way I know how to read their comments.
JustPlainSomething > AverageDrafter • a month ago Had a guy try to argue if a comic was feminist or not (the upcoming Batgirl creative team, with him saying it couldn't possibly be feminist) and when I finally brought up third wave feminism's view on femininity and embracing it if that's your choice, he seriously said, "There's third wave feminism? I didn't know about the first or second." Aaaaaaand I facepalmed so freaking hard. And then I stopped answering his questions because like the article says, I don't have time to explain a century of feminist discourse to someone for free.-
David R. Bragdon > JustPlainSomething • a month ago aren't we in fourth wave feminism now? Also, do you accept Visa or Mastercard? -
Adam Blackhat > JustPlainSomething • a month ago The you don't know things that I've read and therefore you aren't worthy of my attention approach to life. Edited, because I am a jerk today.-
JustPlainSomething > Adam Blackhat • a month ago No, it's the "if a guy starts the conversation saying something isn't feminist and then tells me he actually doesn't know a thing about feminism even down to the very basics then I don't have goddamn time explaining it to him."-
Adam Blackhat > JustPlainSomething • a month ago ...clearly I interpreted that poorly. Why do I keep needling you? I apologize.-
JustPlainSomething > Adam Blackhat • a month ago This was also in a disqus comment section (not on here, another website). Maybe if it was in person I could have explained the different waves and heck, intersectional feminism and pro-sex feminism, etc etc, but at the rate he wasn't getting it I would have written a whole article in the comments explaining this stuff. And as the article said, at some point guys should be able to google this stuff themselves if they don't even know the basics of feminism.-
Adam Blackhat > JustPlainSomething • a month ago Under the circumstances, I agree completely.-
JustPlainSomething > Adam Blackhat • a month ago He also kept saying "I believe people are people." This was after he said he didn't know about third wave feminism.-
Adam Blackhat > JustPlainSomething • a month ago Oy, well. In his defense. People are people, except for Marmaduke. Marmaduke is a dog.That sort of thing is exactly why I don't subscribe or allude to any particular body of thought.
Laurelinde > Adam Blackhat • a month ago Woah, that seems a little hostile. I think the point is that it's fairly absurd for someone to be arguing whether something is feminist if they are so ill-informed on what feminism actually is. It's a bit like someone trying to compare a new food to chicken if they only ate chicken once 10 years ago and don't remember it.-
Adam Blackhat > Laurelinde • a month ago Yar. Hostile. Agreed. I have the same problem with Pop Tarts.-
Jill Baker Oliver > Adam Blackhat • a month ago And, now I want pop tarts and equality. Will my demands never end?!-
Adam Blackhat > Jill Baker Oliver • a month ago Feminists. You just take and take and take.
Scarlet Sasquatch • a month ago I'll never understand why people think feminists hate sex. And yet it keeps popping up in the most ridiculous ways.-
Guest > Scarlet Sasquatch • a month ago Feminists love sex. They also hate sex. They are also indifferent about sex. What I'm saying is, different people feel differently about different things.-
Scarlet Sasquatch > Guest • a month ago Yeah, but I've seen some WEIRD interpretations of feminism out there attacking its alleged prudishness. Like, too weird to be angry about.-
Laura Truxillo > Scarlet Sasquatch • a month ago Heck, how many times does this site get, "Gah, you're all just prudes who want to take all the sexy out of comics/video games/movies." And it's like...nah, dude, nah. TMS is a very sex-positive place.-
Venerable Monk > Laura Truxillo • a month ago The haters were nowhere to be found when TMS was promoting those Woodrocket Porn Parodies!-
littlethingsthatmatter > Venerable Monk • a month ago They probably think it's "fake porn".-
Scarlet Sasquatch > littlethingsthatmatter • a month ago If only more porn writers were feminists. Thats usually where I see all the weird versions of feminism. Alleged "real porn" seems to be written by people in another plane of reality.
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