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On Gay Transmen July 8, 2012

Posted by FCM in feminisms, gender roles, health, PIV, pop culture, trans.
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anti-feminists frequently demand that radical feminists address the problem of transmen when we are addressing transgender — as if transmanism and transwomanism have very much to do with each other, even though they really dont.  unsurprisingly, the transman “problem” — that is to say the concept of transmanism as well as the different problems that transgender is supposed to solve for individual FAABs — falls directly in line with addressing the problems of females as a sexual class, around the world.  ie. we do address them, all the time.  transmen’s problems line up with womens problems and would be solved if feminism succeeded — there would be no remaining problem that transitioning would solve.  that means that for women, transitioning is a proposed solution for patriarchal problems only.

whereas transwomen’s “problems” would not be solved if feminism succeeded — that means transwomens problems are male problems, and do not implicate male power or womens oppression by men, which are the kinds of problems feminists are interested in solving.  post-patriarchy, transwomen would definitely not be let into female-only space, for example.  and insofar as transwomen depend on global female oppression to define and maintain their identities, and depend on subjugated females on which to model their feminine behaviors, and insofar as born-women not coddling transwomen is a “problem” for transwomen, transwomens problems will actually be made worse when and if patriarchy falls, because they would not be able to express their gender properly, the entire concept — or the parts of which are dependent on female oppression — having been abolished.  and because NO ONE would put up with their shit.

honestly, how many women post-patriarchy would agree to nurse mewling, howling manbabies under any circumstance, particularly trying to do so while juggling six cans of mace and genuflecting before the mighty phallus?  its exhausting, and not even the fun-fems, i daresay, would put one second or one ounce of their time or energy into that endeavor, suddenly finding themselves free to spend their time as they wished, and without the fear of male violence.  i myself have already decided that if patriarchy falls, i plan to turn cartwheels down the street until my hands bleed, then sleep on the beach for a week while i decompress, and contemplate how im going to spend my days from that point forward.  but i digress.

anyway, my initial point is that if your problems would be made worse — rather than solved — if patriarchy fell, you are a man.

moving on, to address the very pressing problem of “gay transmen” may i offer the following: PIV criticism.  yes thats right, gay transmen — heterosexual fucking is, indeed, problematic for women — you are right about that.  you absolutely arent imagining it.

just for fun — and everyone likes fun!  — try this on, gay transmen, and see if any of it fits.

you hate how straight men fuck, but you still want to fuck men.  right?  welcome to female heterosexuality.

you hate how straight men use sex to terrorize their female-bodied partners by giving us pregnancy scares and having a deliberately contrarian libido which never, ever matches ours.  perhaps, you resent how your mother and everyone always told you that “all men want is sex” but then once you started having it yourself, you realized that men really dont want to fuck that often — just enough to make you afraid you are pregnant every month, but never enough to give you any real pleasure.  yes?  welcome to female heterosexuality.  thats pretty much the definition of it.

or, perhaps you, gay transmen, dont really want to fuck that often, but your male partner wants it all the time?  welcome to female heterosexuality.  (if not having intercourse that often is something that “gay transmen” even want, which i doubt — is it homophobic (or misandric) of me to observe thats not how gay male culture generally works, especially the part about trolling gay bars?  oh well).  seriously, im thinking these women want frequent intercourse, and they find heterosexual fucking seriously lacking in that regard, but what do i know, having been there and done that myself?  its just a hunch.

at any rate, you want to fuck men, but you dont want all the baggage that comes with straight fucking, for females.  i get it.  but looking at the big picture (aka. context) reveals that thing you want is what all women want — to have our sexuality include sexual pleasure and to exclude reproductive pain.  if you noticed that heterosexual fucking doesnt work like that, well, you arent alone.  it doesnt make you a gay male though, sorry.

also, having intercourse for pleasures sake — considering the harm it does to female-bodied persons — is anti-feminist, and that cannot be remedied.

anyway, criticism of heterosexual fucking and the problems it presents for female-bodied persons is not new.  radical feminists have been addressing this for decades, but the trans horde does not want transmen or anyone to know about that.  in fact, transgender activism specifically demands that PIV-critical radical feminists be silenced, and their work erased from the face of the earth.  it would behoove transmen — and all women — to consider why that is.

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1. tiamathydra - July 8, 2012

”perhaps, you resent how your mother and everyone always told you that “all men want is sex” but then once you started having it yourself, you realized that men really dont want to fuck that often — just enough to make you afraid you are pregnant every month, but never enough to give you any real pleasure. yes? welcome to female heterosexuality. thats pretty much the definition of it.”

Actually, I believe that if a 100% safe and harmless contraceptive method for intercourse was found, men suddenly wouldn’t enjoy fucking anymore. They enjoy it for the sake of female risk, I really, really believe this. After safe and healthy contraception would be discovered, they’d feel that the charm of sex would be gone. Because heterosexual sex in patriarchy = sadism. Against females.

2. dirt - July 8, 2012

Trans females arent “gay men” when seeking out male sex partners. They are as biological females, females on testosterone having sex with men, some gay men, some not. Either way, its straight sex. Most trans females begin as lesbians, the testosterone altering aspects of their bodies also alters aspects of their brains, masculinizing both.

As lesbianism is a product of one’s nature, therefore a core component in the brain, trans female’s core sexuality doesnt change, so that when T masculinizes the brain, their attraction heterosexualises. Any way you slice it, “gay transmen” do not exist. Feminist shouldnt buy into trans delusional rhetoric, it only complicates the issues.


FCM - July 8, 2012

Dirt, I do not understand your comment, sorry. I’m talking about females having intercourse with males, yes. Straight sex. Gay transmen are heterosexual females who reject heterosexual fucking but not having sex with men, including vaginal, oral and/or anal intercourse WITH MEN per se. Its weird, but it can be made sense of if we just think about it a little bit.

3. cherryblossomlife - July 9, 2012

“you hate how straight men fuck, but you still want to fuck men. right? welcome to female heterosexuality.

you hate how straight men use sex to terrorize their female-bodied partners by giving us pregnancy scares and having a deliberately contrarian libido which never, ever matches ours. perhaps, you resent how your mother and everyone always told you that “all men want is sex” but then once you started having it yourself, you realized that men really dont want to fuck that often — just enough to make you afraid you are pregnant every month, but never enough to give you any real pleasure. yes? welcome to female heterosexuality. thats pretty much the definition of it.”

I bloody loved this quote LOL!

I DO think that some things would be easier for certain types of transowmen without patriarchy. I mean they’re basically effeminate men, many are in the closet (ha!) homosexuals.So I guess that after patriarchy and if women were in control we would severely punish any men who beat up or murdered men who did not fit the masculine mould.

Whereas patriarchy ENCOURAGES groups of men to commit violence against women and homosexuals.

BUt as for the autogynophiles, the ones who just get off on “doing woman”… yeah, there’s nothing left for them when patriarchy’s gone.

FCM - July 9, 2012

Wow you’re much nicer than I am cherry! I’m imagining full separatism actually, where women would not be in charge of punishing and policing what men do to each other, because that would be a terrible energy suck and would take literally all our time and resources. Women would only be in charge of ourselves, and policing what boys and men do to us. In that scenario, all maabs would live together, and transwomen would have to take their gripes up with men for the first time. They wouldn’t like it at all. :)

4. K - July 9, 2012

This is a perfect argument. Brilliantly written and insightful.

I often argue against transitioning by explaining that the only reason that people want to is because they think it will make them into a ‘fully realized person’, but that no one is a real person under patriarchy.

Sadly, I am often misunderstood.

5. cherryblossomlife - July 9, 2012

LOL. True.
But if they were very very humble and gave us full legitimacy over their well-being (I’m talking some SERIOUS sucking up here)…then I might be willing to help them out, only because we do give birth to them and they are our sons.

6. Laura P. - July 11, 2012

What a great post, and what great comments. You womyn really do speak with authority on what (if anything) goes on in men’s minds and even on the realities of gay male culture. No amount of mansplainin’, including gaymansplainin’, will change the basic facts.

FCM - July 12, 2012

Gee, I wonder why teh menz have shown up to comment on this post about gay transmen aka. Straight women? Oh yeah, it’s the piv criticism! They can’t have us speaking the truth about THAT.

7. Z.P. hubbard - July 12, 2012

Well don’t know if you will post this, but here goes. Having given birth to a male myself and my womyn partner also having given birth to a male. I find this entire thread difficult. How would you explain this to our sons and the two daughters we have? Do we tell our sons they are shit for being born male and our daughters to hate them for it? How does this work?

FCM - July 12, 2012

Interesting that you don’t disagree with it, yet are struggling with it. Also interesting that having male children makes women struggle with the truth about men and what they do to women, including how men use sex to abuse and harm women. Don’t have male children if you want to more easily deal with the truth about men, seems to be the obvious answer. Have male children if you want to keep ignoring the truth and shitting on girls and other women and throwing them under the bus, including your girl children, by making excuses for males and arguing with radical feminists when you know we are right. Honestly, it appears to come down to that. You aren’t the only mother who is dealing with this very thing.

FCM - July 12, 2012

obviously i am talking about women who have a choice in the matter, and there are plenty that dont. in this case, i believe women who have a choice should probably exercise it, to help soften the blow to the ENTIRE WORLD of the impact of other womens non-choice in the matter: no voluntary births of males any more ever. the thing is though, after factoring in global overpopulation due to mandatory PIV, and female infanticide which is still being practiced, the numbers will never even out, even if the relatively lucky women who have a say in the matter refused to birth and nurture males. there would still be too many males by far. google “female infanticide” and “global population by sex” to see the global disparity, and the global overpopulation of males due to female infanticide. it has effected the numbers globally, and due to mandatory PIV its only going to get worse.

also, in-vitro and patriarchal reproductive technologies seem to produce males. this isnt really a surprise. unless you can produce some evidence that this is not the case, and that it actually produces more females than males, dont do it, would be my suggestion.

8. cherryblossomlife - July 12, 2012

Actually, I have a burgeoning theory that for decades now mothers have been educating their girl-children at the expense of their boy-children. A sort of silent revolt. For all her faults, my own mother made my education a priority, but looking back I realise this wasn’t really the case for my brothers. I believe her mother did the same: my grandmother had a LOT of children,mostly boys, but my mother was the only one to really excell in school. It could be my imagination but I feel I’m seeing this trend in Japan. A sort of “the boys will be ok no matter what, so lets send our girl overseas to university and keep him at home” approach. Because mothers control all aspects of the children’s lives here, especially education, this approach may start to bear fruit in the coming years. I’m curious to see how it will pan out.

9. cherryblossomlife - July 12, 2012

Or we could go with your suggestion FCM. Far more practical and efficient :)

10. Hate Speech « femonade - July 12, 2012

[...] blogger am i going to have to hear a woman reader respond to my (or any, or all) radfem work thusly: i have a male child, how do i reconcile that fact with what i have just [...]

FCM - July 12, 2012

thats interesting cherry! wouldnt surprise me a bit.

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