


definition: where you’re an nonbinary angel and everyone denies the fact that your gender exists (reference to welcome to night vale)

note: for angelkin or night vale fictionkin

coined by: autisticcat

  1. thecringeclub reblogged this from orochimarukin
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  3. sadsunkin reblogged this from orochimarukin
  4. totally-not-insane reblogged this from orochimarukin
  5. hazelbeewitched reblogged this from therainbowgorilla
  6. hydroticarsonist reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  7. sourheartstrings reblogged this from holmesstuck
  8. sadorapus reblogged this from plavskyparticle and added:
    Why don’t we all just calm down and treat mogai-archive like a troll account ‘cause it sure as hell looks like one
  9. plavskyparticle reblogged this from shamblingshitpickle
  10. shamblingshitpickle reblogged this from trudandy
  11. petefoxshend reblogged this from ughsocialjustice and added:
    I too base my gender on fictional bullshit
  12. mayonnaiseisnotagender reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  13. just-another-mexican-taco reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  14. justanotherflyinthesuitcase reblogged this from dauntlessintheend
  15. not-fedora reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  16. proteanvixen reblogged this from roguesareth and added:
    As an Erica, I take offense to this and you’re oppressing me.
  17. mojo-jotaro reblogged this from faephobia and added:
    to OP
  18. faephobia reblogged this from yarriinwonderland and added:
    I’d dispute the existence of OP’s brain.
  19. roguesareth reblogged this from vhixxen and added:
    It’s not. Mogai-Archive is a blog that lists all those made up “genders” people keep spewing out
  20. yarriinwonderland reblogged this from dynamojacks
  21. bosmer-princess reblogged this from roguesareth
  22. wishmaker7 reblogged this from holmesstuck
  23. holmesstuck reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
  24. pancakeswithketchup reblogged this from ughsocialjustice
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