definition: where you’re an nonbinary angel and everyone denies the fact that your gender exists (reference to welcome to night vale)
note: for angelkin or night vale fictionkin
coined by: autisticcat
definition: where you’re an nonbinary angel and everyone denies the fact that your gender exists (reference to welcome to night vale)
note: for angelkin or night vale fictionkin
coined by: autisticcat
Why don’t we all just calm down and treat mogai-archive like a troll account ‘cause it sure as hell looks like one
I too base my gender on fictional bullshit
As an Erica, I take offense to this and you’re oppressing me.
to OP
I’d dispute the existence of OP’s brain.
It’s not. Mogai-Archive is a blog that lists all those made up “genders” people keep spewing out