why margarita and sebastian’s relationship seems problematic
So It’s been brought to my attention that Sebastian has been looking really tired/unhappy lately, and ironically after he started dating Margarita. Let’s start with how his smile has changed drastically between now and the summer after TWS came out…
Firstly, his eyes pretty much shut when he smiles, and you can see his little wrinkles around his eyes while his face scrunches up
example; Sebastian at wizard world earlier this summer, or at TWS events with Chris and Anthony
Also not to mention how he is while he’s around Anthony or Chris
so, as I said, after TWS came out, he supposedly started “dating” margarita levieva and is now slowly starting to look unhappy at carpet events with and without her. Example:
when he was at that thing for the cologne he looked pretty content, if anything pretty happy, this was some time in September
but then here, he looked tired, as if he didn’t want to be there,this was a few weeks after the cologne event (around sept 30th)
and finally here, at the Masquerade party Oct. 30th.
he just looks really unhappy, he kind of has a dead look in his eyes, looks tired, and skinny. and at this point he and margarita have been dating for like 6 months. you can argue that he looks happy with her but he forces his smile in pretty much every picture with her. ie a few weeks ago when he was wearing that purple jacket
he was pretty much forcing his smile, just like here
and here…he looks like he doesn’t even want to be there in this one
and lets face it, he looks like he’s having a better time while he’s working out than at any event with Margarita
…also, he’s been losing a lot of weight. While filming for TWS he was getting in shape for the role, but he still had his baby cheeks and if anything was gaining weight in muscle. in the recent pictures above, he looks so much skinnier, and his muscles look a lot smaller.
anyways, you can always tell when he’s faking his smile because he doesn’t smile with his eyes, like here
and here
also in a few pictures of him at WW. not saying he’s unhappy to take pictures with fans, but you can just tell that he’s smiling for pictures without really thinking about it.
so i’m not going to blame the whole thing on this girl hes seeing, but it’s just really ironic that he’s been looking like this after seeing her. AS WELL AS there never being any pictures of them together in public EXCEPT at carpet events. That’s pretty much the only time he’s seen with her…and hes never alone with her? You can tell while he was in Rome he was with friends, and in most his instagram pictures with her he’s with friends. That’s really suspicious imo.
Also I’d like to point out that she has to pretty much force him to be in pictures with her. Not to mention how Margarita literally goes as far as blocking people who post comments about her being a cheater, i mean most people just ignore that right? She doesn’t delete any other comments of people calling her ugly or people saying how they don’t like her n seb together, only the ones where they call her a cheater, or say she’s just using him.
I also find it weird as fuck to that Sebastian literally only goes on Instagram to like her pictures and no one else’s. you would think that someone who follows 34 people he would see all their posts and like them, but he only likes hers and does it as soon as she posts them.
Now don’t get me wrong, Sebastian is a grown man, but to me it seems like something is going on. not like i can do anything about it, but have you all understand that he might be in trouble or something. just don’t blind yourselves about how problematic their relationship seems.
ok so that’s it, if i missed anything or anyone has anything else they want to add go ahead.