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[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (21子コメント)

I am not sure why some people thinking going through comments intimidates people, and what the purpose of attempting to invalidate my argument with personal insults is trying to achieve.

I am 19, not 23, and I have paid my fair share of income tax because I work my ass off and make decent money working 2-3 part time jobs at a time. Yes I smoke pot, I am obviously really open about that, but I don't see how that makes my arguments less valid. If you don't smoke pot, or have never tried it, you are the minority in Canada, get your facts straight.

So let's see, you're only real argument is that I support UBI, which I feel is far superior to any welfare or income splitting. Why do I feel like UBI is not bribing? Because unlike income splitting, I think it will actually help people. If you would like to discuss the why, just ask as I wrote a paper on the topic a while back. I am also not in any debt currently, in fact I have a surplus of money, because I don't have anything handed to me, I work for my schooling, my car, and my condo. Thank you very much.

So you've managed to make 4 arguments, 3 of which are insults, and 1 of which has no objective basis, but is purely based on your opinion. To a 19 year old.

Good job. Any real discussion, from anyone other than you would be welcomed. Cheers.

[–]mageganker [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

Ignore that moron. He makes a new account every couple days because he doesn't want to get labelled a Conservative shill.

He's easy to spot and for some reason has a hard-on for anybody who supports basic income.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

His comment history make it evident that he has very extreme right-wing opinions. But he is extremely disrespectful in all of his comments. I am majoring in Political Science at McMaster University, so I know what reasoned right-wing opinion sounds like, and his is not it.

[–]Saddened_veteran [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

At 19, you have not paid your 'fair share' of anything, given the amount of tax money that goes to youth in general and how small your personal contribution has been.

Instead of thinking about what your life is like now, try thinking about how your life will be when you are 35 or older. Because I can tell you, you clearly have no idea how much a house, kids and raising a family costs.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

I have paid enough income tax to know that if I could get it removed if be better off right now. But my ideals lay outside my personal benefits.

I have an idea of how much things cost, I'm not an idiot thanks. I pay attention to costs and plan for the future accordingly. It's why I've been so successful with my money so far.

I do not appreciate arguments against me being simply about my lack of ability to form an argument due to inexperience. I could say that you lack the PhD and subsequent experience in economics and finance to have opinions on the economy and how the government uses it's money, but that argument would be petty and prove nothing. Instead I try to have a discussion and face insult instead and I won't have it.

Grow up.

[–]el_notarioCanada [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

If you've only worked part time jobs, you don't even know what paying "enough" income tax really is.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

People are too quick to assume that all 19 year olds that work part time are clueless to the real world. I know numerous people at my part time jobs over the age of 50 who were laid off decades ago, and haven't been able to find real jobs for years in their respective fields.

Not everyone working part time jobs is a teen, and not every 19 year old is ignorant.

[–]GoldPlatedEggs [非表示スコア]  (8子コメント)

No you probably have not paid any income tax at all. Canadians who make less than $10,500 don't pay federal income tax. And even if you did somehow make more than $10,500 last year while studying full-time in university then you have all sorts of education and textbook deductions that will reduce your income tax to zero or, more likely, give you a refund.

If you would like to discuss the why, just ask as I wrote a paper on the topic a while back.

Hey you guys!!! I wrote an essay for school this means I know what I'm talking about!

I think part of the problem with young people is that they don't do much else other than going to school. And what happens in school? They write essays and teachers give them high marks and this deludes the young people into thinking they actually know what they're talking about.

Go back to smoking your pot and consuming your shrooms.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (7子コメント)

See? Insults!

I don't see why I can't give an example outside of myself. So because I'm a man I can't have an opinion on women's issues? And because I'm 19 I can't have opinions on 35 year olds?

Go home, you're drunk on ego.

[–]MrFlaggOntario [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

i think you may find your opinion of "i have paid enough" on what I'm assuming may be 25 or 30k of income is insulting to those people who have paid that much in income tax on 100k of income

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

I never said "I have paid enough". I said I paid enough to know what it's like to pay income tax. You lose your hard earned money to the government, and one that seems corrupt and like it does not have your best interests in mind. Would I like to have my taxes cut to $0? Absolutely, I could deal with that extra money, and I am quite sure the guy making 100k could handle having that extra couple 1000 each year, but what would happen to our society.

Our society is great because we help each other through taxes and social programs. People that get unlucky, or are born with less innate skill, or have addiction problems, or any number of problems can still live decent and happy lives. We offer that to our neighbours through taxes. Taxes are a great thing, and we should see them as such.

Lowering taxes hurts people that make less money. I cannot afford to build a hockey rink, or basketball court or roads, so these things need to be paid for by those that can. The police and streetlights that keep our neigbourhoods safe are paid by each and everyone of us. Taxes are not evil. What our corrupt politicians sometimes do with our taxes, can be evil.

That's all I am trying to say, and I just want our taxes to benefit the most number of people possible. I would rather have 100 shitty lives improved to okay lives, than 20 good lives improved to great lives.

[–]ImHarvoCanada [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

I don't want to insult you but I paid more tax last quarter than you have made in you life so far. When you get to be my age you'll get it.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (2子コメント)

And I've done a lot of things you've never done. It doesn't mean you are clueless to my experiences.

I'm seeing a ton of age related argument here, and not a lot of actual argument. Maybe when you get a real discussion started you'll get it.


[–]ImHarvoCanada [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

So now I am forced to insult you. You are 19. You haven't done fuck all. You are poor and inexperienced. It's okay. We were all there at some point in our lives. It makes us who we become as adults.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

I still won't insult you.

I am from the picture perfect middle class family. I am far from personally poor, I have 20 times to my name than a majority of my friends, because having $200 in savings was never an acceptable option for me.

On top of this, my parents most definitely would benefit from income splitting and yet I and they are against it.

So again, how about some actual discussion? I have one person try to argue with me, and instead he insulted me, my pot smoking, my age, and other things. Nobody has said anything really of value.

If your best argument to a 19 year old, is that they are 19, then I question your argument's validity.

[–]totes_meta_bot [非表示スコア]  (5子コメント)

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[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (4子コメント)

I'm kind of proud of this to be honest.

[–]asd-0f [非表示スコア]  (3子コメント)

You ought to be. Your level of engagement and awareness at your age is really impressive and your less than totally selfish views are incredibly mature, yet perfectly at odds with the corrupt PMO, who you've been presenting them to here.

Your arguments are well reasoned and sound, while their typical bullying, intimidation and personal attacks are treasonous. Well done. I don't think any sane and informed person has anything to add to what you said, but it's worth supporting because you're not alone.

Don't let them wear on you. It's just their job, and they'll be looking for a new one soon. Hating informed Canadians professionally will surely look incredible on their resume.

[–]GoldPlatedEggs [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Your arguments are well reasoned and sound, while their typical bullying, intimidation and personal attacks are treasonous.


[–]Zeitgeis1 [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Agreed. You're a smart young man. Don't bow to intimidation from a shilling down-on-his-luck-every-day-of-his-life-because-of-people-like-you grumpy bastard. It's good to know we have some well versed, open minded youth bringing up the rear.

[–]PSNDonutDudeOntario [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

Not tot worry, Political Debate is kind of a specialty of mine. My friends tell me I have a hard-on for Politics, and while I don't want to claim that type of skill, I do know what reasoned debate sounds like coming from all types of political ideology. Being in a Political Science major has been amazing, and being able to discuss maturely with conservatives, marxists, realists, socialists, communists et cetera has allowed me to see the bad apples from the good ones. No pure political theory will work, so listening to others is always useful, but insults get us nowhere.

And I really do not take pot smoking as an insult, as I love that hobby, more than I do having a few beers, personally.