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(cache) Mad Queen Meta Niriall, Jump Scare Warning: Sponsor Cut Alien Isolation

Jump Scare Warning: Sponsor Cut Alien Isolation





Guys, Kyle set it up so he presses a button and the jump scare lady from PT plays and he warns before its about to happen by saying “I almost thought Lisa was going to show up”  and then it happens but thats all the warning you get.

you’re watching fucking alien isolation

if you need a trigger warning for a horror game big on jump scares, you’re an asshole.

There’s a difference between watching someone play a game big on jumpscares and someone setting up a jumpscare that no one will expect outside of the gameplay.  There’s nothing wrong with people being given a heads up in case they wanna avoid being caught off guard.

it’s a difference but if you’re whiny enough to need a ~warning~ about it, don’t watch videos? Don’t go outside?

Is it impossible for some people to watch a scary video and have toaster go off in the same room? What if a poster falls off their wall when the toaster goes off? Do they just die because alright we don’t need evolution to keep that around.

You’re watching a scary video in a scary game by a company that is big on pranks and comedy.

What the fuck do you expect other than apparently special treatment? I’m sick of people needing warnings and crying about every time something makes them feel mildly uncomfortable.

It’s stupid.

No one was whining about it I just wanted to make sure people who arent comfortable with it knew ahead of time.
No one asked for special treatment I just thought it was a good thing to do.
I dont get why its a big deal. :/

Posted 9 hours ago - 93 notes - via a-daks (source)

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    And thank you for it, because there is a big difference between a Necromorph and Lisa, Lisa is for more horrifying when...
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  14. your-opinion-is-melancholy reblogged this from the-meta and added:
    It is a good thing to do, it’s just warning and I dint understand why people are getting so pissy about it.
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  16. snowmangrif reblogged this from a-daks and added:
    I really have no idea where you’re coming from, you’re jumping all over the place. She’s not an asshole for putting out...
  17. scottknapp said: Thanks for the warning, I know a lot of people who need it
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    Err, when you go to see SAW, or any other film at the movie theater, in the film guide, or posted somewhere in the...
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  21. a-daks reblogged this from impish-adventures and added:
    It’s not assholish to put one out. Don’t take it as me yelling at OP. She was just doing what she thought was right....
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