Anonymous: na/nag/nags/nags/nagaself for mythical naga pronouns


Oh super cool. Thank you

No. NOT super cool.

1) Naga are not “mythology” — they are important parts of multiple major world religions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism.

2) Appropriating Naga for pronoun use is reallllly fucking offensive on religious grounds.

3) If you are not South Asian as well as a member of one of the aformentioned religious/cultural groups, appropriating them from another culture is racist.

TBH, knowing what Naga are, I have no fricking idea why someone would even WANT to use "na/nag/nags/nags/nagaself for mythical naga pronouns" unless they were an extremely conceited fuck, but please do not promote these words as though they’re for the taking by anyone who pleases.

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  15. lareinaana reblogged this from chirikli and added:
    If I’m not mistaken there are Naga people as well? Just… Wrong on so many levels don’t do this crap.
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