This is highly culturally inappropriate, especially the first one. Why do people think it’s okay to use one’s culture to dress up for Halloween?! I’ve seen Pashtun costumes, Native American costumes, African American costumes, Mexican costumes, and Arab costumes. Our culture, race, religion is not something you can just buy at Party City or Walmart and use for Halloween costumes. If you support this by even liking/retweeting those pictures, other people will think that it is okay to mock one’s culture and dress up as each other, which it’s not.

  • 2,704 notes
  • 5 hours ago
  • Nov 01,2014
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      im so mad fuck them. why do people steadily glorify this corny ass family
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      The only thing that annoys me about the Kardashians is their cultural appropriation habit like please stop.
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      they’re white folk what do u expect lol
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      i concur
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