- Tomii, H., Irei, T., Uehara, K., Gesyo, S., Kyan, T., Okumoto, S., Shintani, M., and Higa, T. (2013). Pilot scale bioremediation of oil contaminated soil with Effective MicroorganismsTM EM・1® and organic materials in Okinawa, Japan. VII International Environmental Forum "NATURE WITHOUT BORDERS", held at Vladivostok, Russia. 10-11 October, 2013.
- 西連寺 剛、國廣真里枝、新谷正樹、田中勇悦、田中礼子、比嘉照夫 (2013). 有用微生物発酵液EM・1による単純ヘルペスウイルスの感染抑制効果. 第61回日本ウイルス学会学術集会 (神戸、2013年11月10〜12日).
- 新谷正樹、Aleksander Nikitin、奥本秀一、西渕泰、Natalia Shamal、Aleksandr Dvornik、比嘉照夫 (2013). 有用微生物群(EM)を用いた土壌改良による放射性物質の農作物への移行抑制効果及び機序の検討. 第2回環境放射能除染研究発表会 (東京、2013年6月5〜7).
- Shintani, M., Saito,I., Okumoto,S., Higa,T (2013). Immunostimulating effect of extract from culture of Effective Microorganisms (XCEM). International Scientific Conference “Radiation, Environment and Technosphere”, held at Institute of Radiobiology of NAS of Belarus Gomel, Republic of Belarus, 26-27 September 2013.
- Higa T. (2012). Global application of EM technology for Eco health -Prospects and Future-. 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August 2012.
- Shintani, M., Okumoto, S., Makuta, T., Higa, T. (2012). Safe food production in radioactively contaminated Fukushima area by utilizing Effective Microorganisms (EM). 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August, 2012.
- Tomii, H., Okumoto, S., Higa, T. (2012). Effect of EM・X GOLD on the thermal tolerance of lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus casei. 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August, 2012.
- Sairenji, T., Shintani, M., Okumoto, S., Tanaka, Y., Tanaka, R., Asato, K., Higa, T. (2012) Inhibitory effect of a beverage EM・X GOLD on Epstein-Barr virus infection]. 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August, 2012.
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- Fukugauchi, Y., Miyagi, M., Suehiro, I., Shun, S., Higa, T. (2012). Utilization of Effective Microorganisms (EM) for people and eco-friendly construction and community development. 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August, 2012.
- Koshoji, T., Kyan, T., Gen Prayuth,C., Gen Satian,P., Higa, T. (2012). The effect of EM Technology on controlling odors and sanitary problems caused by the worst flood in history in Thailand. 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August, 2012.
- Higashinakagawa, T., Kuwayama, H. (2012). EM・X GOLD stimulates fruiting body formation in cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discodeum through modulation of cAMP synthesis. 15th Congress of Asian College of Psychosomatic medicine, held at Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 24-25 August, 2012.
- 新谷正樹、奥本秀一、幕田武広、西渕泰、Natalia Shamal、Aleksander Nikitin、比嘉照夫 (2012). 微生物土壌改良資材(EM)を活用した土壌改良による放射性物質の農作物への移行抑制. 第1回環境放射能除染研究発表会 (福島市、2012年5月19〜21日).
- 西連寺剛、斎藤沙、田中勇悦、田中礼子、比嘉照夫 (2012). EBウイルス感染B細胞株での熱ショックと微生物発酵産物EM・X GOLD によるEBウイルス再活性化動態の変動. 第9回EBV研究会 (米子市、2012年7月6日).
- Shintani,M., Okumoto,S., Nishibuchi,Y., Makuta, T., Higa, T. (2012). Safe food production in Fukushima by applying technology of effective microorganisms (EM). International Scientific Conference "Low Doses″, devoted to 25-anniversary of the Institute of Radiobiology of NAS of Belarus, held at Institute of Radiobiology of NAS of Belarus, Gomel, Republic of Belarus. 26-28 September 2012.
- 西連寺剛、新谷正樹、田中勇悦、足立哲也、田中礼子、奥本秀一、安里勝之、比嘉照夫 (2011) EM・X GOLD によるEBウイルス感染の抑制効果. 第22回日本生体防御学会 (那覇市、2011年6月29日〜7月1日).
- 西連寺剛、新谷正樹、田中勇悦、足立哲也、田中礼子、奥本秀一、安里勝之、比嘉照夫 (2011) 有用微生物群(Effective Micro-organisms:EM) の発酵生産物EM・X GOLDによるEBウイルス感染の抑制. 第8回EBV研究会 (大阪市、2011年7月8日).
- Shintani, M., Okumoto, S. (2011). A trial to bioremediate radioactively contaminated farm lands in Fukushima by using Effective Microorganisms. International Scientific Conference "Radiation and Chernobyl: Science and Practice″, held at Institute of Radiobiology of NAS of Belarus, Gomel, Republic of Belarus. 13-14 October 2011.
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