Toronto Cow Save is a sister organisation to Toronto Pig Save.

Toronto Cow Save’s mission is to erect glass walls at Toronto area slaughterhouses in order to encourage people to choose vegan, protect the environment, and support farm sanctuaries. We are working for a just transition for workers as we adjust our food economy to a local, organic, and plant-based diet.

There are two large cow slaughterhouses in Toronto: “St. Helen’s Meat Packers” and Ryding-Regency slaughterhouses, killing about a thousand cows and calves daily. We focus on bearing witness at these massive slaughterhouses, while educating people about compassion for ALL animals, and promoting veganism.

TCS Vigil September 19th 2014

Today, instead of the trucks being zipped into the fenced-off areas as quickly as possible to prevent the cows from having even that small bit of comfort that we may offer them, there was a transport truck parked on the side of the street, which gave us the opportunity to spend time with the cow persons who were trapped inside. They were all quite young and definitely would have preferred to still be with their mums. Cows will sometimes nurse until almost two years of age when allowed to wean naturally, and most will maintain strong life-long relationships with their mothers. However, cows being raised for beef are typically taken away from their mums to be sent to feed lots at just over a year old, two at the most. These babies were standing in an absolutely filthy truck; the floor was covered in excrement, and it is possible that they had been traveling for days without rest (since legally they can be transported in this way for up to 52 hours in Canada). They were very scared, with huge eyes, restless legs, and runny noses (a sign of stress), and it was no wonder since the skins of those who had been slaughtered before them were right across the street and while they may or may not have been visible, the cows could definitely smell the blood; so while they may not have known exactly what was going to become of them, they knew it wasn’t good, and yet they had no hope of escape. All we could offer them was our soft words of love, calm energy, and kind outstretched hands. Eventually some did respond to our warm, attentive actions, and gently touched/kissed our gloved hands. It is both incredible and tragic how fast these animals respond to any caring gesture; it shows that all they want is to experience respect and love, and to live freely with their loved ones. 

Unfortunately, these persons had their grim fate already planned, and so they were curtly pulled away from us and backed into the unloading area. Thinking about what they were about to go through, the use of electric prods on their most sensitive parts, being chained upside by their foot, having their throat cut open in a sawing motion while conscious, watching this happen to their friends before them, kicking and choking as they bled out, being skinned, sometimes while still conscious, and dismembered, and turned into an almost unrecognizable object, was dreadful, harrowing, and heartbreaking. We must remember though, that while these persons were not saved, every day human people are growing into dedicated activists, such as those who were at this vigil today, and that with such compassionate, devoted people in the movement, change will happen. 

We are just sorry sweet, beautiful ones, that this change did not happen in time to save you who are now lovely angels.You were loved.

Please choose veganism today in their honour.

Learn about Toronto Cow Save and join our vigils!

Photo credit to wonderful, dutiful activists Agnes Cseke and Caroline Wong.

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    did i just read that right "Cow people" "persons" I’m ashamed to be a Canadian right now.
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