As we all know, this is a common trope among the arcons "Liberals are obsessed with race. They always make everything about race and racism."
With this in mind, I figured I would compile some basic stats on how often various subreddits mention racial issues. I looked for the keywords: white, whites, black, blacks, race, racial, racist, races, racism, and slavery.
I used the site
Unfortunately it doesn't look at comments, merely submissions - both the title and any text in a self post. It also examines only the last 1,000 posts to that subreddit.
Here's the data I collected, looking only at the 40 most common words (so if, for example, "Blacks" wasn't in the top 40 words for /r/Liberal it won't be included below):
Word |
Posts |
Black |
31 |
White |
29 |
Race |
14 |
Racial |
7 |
Blacks |
5 |
Racist |
4 |
Races |
4 |
Racism |
4 |
Slavery |
2 |
103 |
Word |
Posts |
White |
18 |
Black |
17 |
Race |
6 |
Racial |
8 |
Racism |
4 |
Slavery |
3 |
60 |
Word |
Posts |
White |
26 |
Black |
14 |
Race |
6 |
Racist |
6 |
Racism |
5 |
57 |
Word |
Posts |
White |
30 |
Race |
27 |
Black |
9 |
Racial |
5 |
Races |
4 |
Racist |
3 |
78 |
SHOCKING NEWS /r/conservative is the most race-obsessed of any of these four subreddits. They're followed by r/politics, then r/liberal, then r/conservativeS. So credit to /r/conservativeS here. I'm not a huge fan of that sub but they're undoubtedly better than the arcons.
Hope this is interesting, I'd love to do this again by keyword searching the comments themselves, as I feel that will be more useful than just the posts. Anecdotally, I notice more "but that's racist" posts on r/con than I've see anywhere else, and it seems like the "race realists" usually come out of the woodwork in the comments section. But I couldn't find an existing tool to do that search, and I'm not competent enough to code my own reddit bot for that purpose. If anyone knows of a way to compile keyword frequency for comments in a subreddit, please let me know.
I did the same with regards to obsession with Muslims/Islam, and /r/ConservativeS loses major points here:
Word |
Posts |
Islam |
8 |
Muslim |
6 |
Jihad |
3 |
Islamic |
3 |
Muslims |
3 |
23 |
Word |
Posts |
Islam |
7 |
Muslims |
5 |
Islamic |
4 |
Muslim |
3 |
19 |
Word |
Posts |
Islamic |
14 |
Islam |
12 |
Muslim |
10 |
Muslims |
9 |
Jihad |
4 |
Arab |
3 |
Jihadists |
2 |
Jihadist |
2 |
56 |
Word |
Posts |
Muslim |
9 |
Islam |
3 |
Muslims |
3 |
15 |