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The RaNdOm and some what disturbing trains of thought of female getting ready to make it in the big bad world the ups the downs and the just plain wrong no lie no cover up the real world with no make up

Don't get mad cause I didn't say it i typed it ^.^


This is fucking disgusting (source).

They literally stopped the whole show to make her leave. They put her in a position where the entire audience would blame her if the show didn’t go on, rather than blaming the islamophobic fuckers who refuse to preform just because a tourist chooses to have her face covered.

But hey, this is totally a “post-racial society!!! everyone is respected regardless of race or religion!!!”

"sexism isn’t even a thing anymore!! women can wear what they want!!!!" 

argh this pisses me off so much! she wasn’t affecting anyone by sitting in the audience watching the show they turned it into a drama and I hope she sue’s the pants off of them!

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