Machine Learning on Azure
- Date: October 21, 2014 from 1:10PM to 2:10PM
- Day 1
- Speakers: Seth Juarez
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Machine Learning can often be a daunting subject to tackle much less utilize in a meaningful manner. In this session, attendees will learn how to take their existing data, shape it, and create models that automatically can make principled business decisions directly in their applications. The discussion will include explanations of the data acquisition and shaping process. Additionally, attendees will learn the basics of machine learning - primarily the supervised learning problem.
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Great session , will the recording be available ?
@SebW:It will be up shortly. For our live events it's usually 24 hours after the event.
How much did Microsoft pay Adam Sandler?
@golnazal: Thank you
Very educational and inspirational as well. Thank you for a wonderful session on Azure Machine Learning.
Just couldn't stop watching.. Great session, lots of information..
Great session, Seth! I just wish you had more than an hour.
Any chance this could become a series?? Please?
(P.S. Proof that a funny accent is not required.)
Pretty Awesome
Just trying, and struggling, to understand some of the theory behind these different ML algorithms. So reading through 'Machine Learning' by Tom Mitchell to get some more confidence in understanding these techniques. So any suggestions on any readable, more up to date texts on this subject would be appreciated. Will look out for more of your presentations.
Thanks Seth.
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