


*cis voice* my pronouns don’t define me it isn’t a big deal and you can’t make me

*pumpkinjustice voice* gem/gems/gemself pronouns please

f/uk looks like fuck you should maybe switch that around I mean the omegle asl is bad enough

but yeah that’s literally me, how sweet you even made me polite

oh yeah i forgot self-description isn’t about accuracy and is instead about looking like the most special, unique little flower in the universe. that explains why you use the pronoun equivalent of calling yourself ebony dark’ness dementia raven way and claiming you’re half-wolf and married to sonic the fucking hedgehog

  1. aurorathenotsoborealis reblogged this from hummingbirdseverywhere
  2. pumpkinjustice reblogged this from faephobia and added:
    I actually chose my pronouns before I saw Steven Universe, because I liked how it sounded. Simple as that.
  3. faephobia reblogged this from bluesigma and added:
    Well they are apparently a fan of Steven Universe.
  4. microdigressions reblogged this from bluesigma and added:
    Diamonds are a gem’s best friend. Wait, fuck.
  5. jerrodkun reblogged this from hellfire-empress
  6. animadispookia reblogged this from judal-is-my-spirit-animal and added:
    Can someone please lend me a crowbar so I can pry my palm off my face?
  7. zoeyposthuman reblogged this from pumpkinjustice
  8. wolfcoma reblogged this from empressie
  9. grandtran reblogged this from judal-is-my-spirit-animal
  10. fazbear reblogged this from pumpkinjustice