The Anti-Plagiarism Investigation Reports
The Anti-Plagiarism Investigation Reports (TAPIR), formerly known as 'The Plagiarism Report'. This is a forum to report, investigate and document cases of plagiarism on Fanfiction Dot Net (FFN). Your story got stolen and need help? See a stolen story posted and want to report it? This is the place. Please read the 'How To' thread before posting. STARTING 2014, TAPIR WILL ONLY ACCEPT PLAGIARISM CASES. COPYRIGHT CASES GO TO NEW CI ONLY FORUM.
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As someone who writes both fanfiction and my own work, I take a certain pride as a 'writer'. I love all my work no matter if it is fanfiction or my own original stuff, and I love and cherish it because it's my own hard and honest work. However, a Guest, by the name of Emma, has accused me of stealing someone's work. I want to clarify that I haven't. And, no matter how difficult it may be I can prove it's mine. She says that it's her friends and that I've copied it. I've googled my story in the hopes of finding the person who has actually stolen it from me, but to no avail. I don't know if they are trying to shake me or not, but they are threatening to report my profile, and if my profile goes, so does all my work, and I'm scared to lose it. I love my work greatly, and as I've said before, I've but a lot of hard work into it, but also a lot of time that I gave up in order to write them. Please, if anyone can help I will be so grateful, thank you.

Edited to move from "general". -RogueMudblood

10/25 . Edited by RogueMudblood, 10/25 #1

Do you also write under the name "Ms. Poppy Merryweather"?

#1 was published 2014-08-13 by an individual writing under that name on tumblr here:

The text is identical, with the exception of your author's note.

I have submitted an ask to that tumblr group to confirm whether you are the same individual, as I'm sure anyone will say that you can claim such here without it being truly verified. So the response from that tumblr will serve as the verification.

10/25 . Edited by HorusTheAvenger, 10/26 #2

#2, which you published on 2014-03-29,was published by NicoleSalvatore1918 on 2014-02-02 here: I have sent that individual a message to confirm whether you are the same person, or a co-author of the story.


edited to include comparison excerpt -H.A.

When she entered the shop with the others in her group and looked around at all of the other tourists looking at the knick-knacks lying on the shelves and tables. She scoffed when she saw one of them knock over a candle and jump.

"Scoffing at the tourists now, are we?" A familiar voice called out from behind her. Turning around, the woman spotted a familiar face and a smile spread across her lips.

"Kyle!" She exclaimed before throwing her body into the man's open arms. Letting out a breath that was practically squeezed out of him by the tiny girl in his arms, Kyle smiled and wrapped his arms around her, smiling brightly.

"It's nice to see you again, Amelia. What's got you coming back home?" Amelia pulled back and gave the boy a smile while shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, it has been about four years, maybe five? Since I've been here last. And let's just say, a little birdy told me the King had returned." The mood of the conversation instantly changed, and Kyle looked at Amelia in slight surprise.

"Like the ones from the stories you used to tell me?" He asked her, and Amelia laughed slightly, and nodded.

She entered the shop with the others in her group and looked around at all of the other tourists looking at the knick-knacks laying on the shelves and tables. She scoffed when she saw one of them knock over a candle and jump.

"Scoffing at the tourists now, are we?" a familiar voice called out from behind her. Turning around, the woman spotted a familiar face and a smile spread across her lips.

"Lucas!" she exclaimed before throwing her body into the man's open arms.

Letting out a breath that was practically squeezed out of him by the tiny girl in his arms, Lucas smiled and wrapped his arms around his baby sister. "It's nice to see you again, Kennedy. What's got you coming back home?"

Kennedy pulled away and gave her brother a smile while shrugging her shoulders. "Well, it's been three years since I've been here last. I thought it was time to come back and try to start over."

The mood of the conversation instantly took a turn for the worse and Lucas and Kennedy were silent for a moment. The two no longer had happy-go-lucky smiles on their faces, instead looks of lingering pain took hold of their facial features.

I see you've edited your profile to remove the UK location flag. I did screen it as it appeared before:

and now:

I have to wonder why you've made the change. Yes, I noted NicoleSalvatore1918's profile states they are from the US when I found the identical passages in "Seven Devils".

10/25 . Edited by HorusTheAvenger, 10/26 #3

PM conversation with NicoleSalvatore1918 showing she is not GirlBehindTheBook:

Thread title updated.

10/25 . Edited 10/25 #4

Post from wizardhistory on tumblr regarding this issue:

10/25 . Edited 10/25 #5

#3, chapter posted 2014-04-09, chapter posted 2011-05-28 by


  2., chapter posted 2014-04-13

When we arrive near the Capitol three days later, Justice rushes Tiel and I to the front of the train so we don't miss anything. We pass under a tunnel, tucked neatly within the large mountains. I feel a shudder as the world of darkness I cling to the sill of the train window, and squint my eyes. I was unable to see anything for a moment but once we exited, it felt as though we had arrived in a different world, everything was so bright.

"Annie, look!" We were entering the train station, the world that I had known as sandy beaches and salted oceans were now concrete, small houses and shops now towering buildings painted candy colours. I wince when I see it all, it all seemed all fake and unattractive.

Justice informs us that this was the outskirts of the Capitol, located just outside of the City Circle. I looked around when I see the world illuminated, shining with a thousand lights that blocked out all the stars that would have originally shown in the sky., chapter posted 2011-06-02 by

When we arrive near the Capital three days later, Joo Dee rushes Sokka and I to the main level so we don't miss anything. We pass under the Great Gates of Azulon—a large statue of the so called Fire Lord standing in the middle of the sea entrance, flanked on either side by two stone dragons. My dad has mentioned the enormous gate to me before—said that it was built in honor of Azulon not being defeated on the Day of Black Sun.

"Katara, look!"

When we enter the bay, what looks like ropes of fire burst from the statue of Azulon, trapping us on the inside and blurring my vision of the ocean.

Once bound by ice, now bound by fire.

I wince and turn away from the fire. The bay appears to be a village of sorts. Stone buildings with red pagoda-style roofs nestled into tropical fauna. Docks and ships of all sizes resting at the shore. The village sits at the base of an enormous volcano, stretching wide and high into the sky.

Joo Dee informs us this is Province 2, located just outside Caldera City. The houses are square in shape and moderately sized, some trimmed in gold and large fountains adorning the front. I can see now why the Province 2 tributes typically look so well fed and last long in the Games. There is nothing poor or needy about this province. Everything is shiny and luminous.



edited for easy excerpt -H.A.

10/25 . Edited by HorusTheAvenger, 10/26 #6
RogueMudblood uses dialogue from the movie The Hobbit -

10/25 #7

For what it's worth, screencap Girlbehindthebook's fav authors and stories.

Done. - RogueMudblood


10/25 . Edited by RogueMudblood, 10/26 #8


Play a Sweet Lullaby for me by GirlBehindTheBook Published: Feb 12 Updated: Feb 15

"Do you want to take a chance again?" She asked him, he smiled slightly, and nodded his head, it seemed as though they moved as one, predicting the moves of one and other easily, the attacker slashed at Sherlock, who backed up carefully and ducked one way and then the other to avoid the blows. The man backed Sherlock up as far as the sofa and took another swing at him. Ducking under the sword, Sherlock dropped onto the sofa in a sitting position. The attacker lifted his sword above his head with both hands and Sherlock raised a leg, kicking hard at the man's chest and shoving him backwards. As the man stumbled back across the room, Sherlock got to his feet and took an all-important moment to straighten his jacket before charging across the room towards the man. Eve kicked the coffee table, forcing it to skirt across the room behind the attack, making him stumble backward and onto the hard wooden floor.

"Fast." Sherlock complimented, as the two came toward the attacker. The attacker scrambled up, holding the sword horizontally in both hands, pushing Eve into the kitchen, she was quick and nimble, taking a hold of the man's wrists, Eve fell back onto the kitchen table and the man followed her down, trying to press the edge of the blade into Eve's throat once again. Grimacing with the effort, Eve pushed the man's right wrist upwards to keep the blade from cutting her. The point of the sword began to dig into the table to Eve's right. She rose his left leg and kneed the man in the side several times and, as this began to weaken the man's grip, Eve forces herself upwards again. The sword tip gouged a long slash across the top of the table.

Taken from fan transcript of the Blind Banker (2012)

221B BAKER STREET. In the living room of the flat, Sherlock Holmes is under attack from a heavily robed figure, his face and head almost completely shrouded in a variety of scarves. As the attacker slashes at him with a curved sword, Sherlock backs up carefully and ducks this way and that to avoid the blows. The man backs Sherlock up as far as the sofa and takes another swing at him. Ducking under the sword, Sherlock drops onto the sofa in a sitting position. The attacker lifts his sword above his head with both hands and Sherlock raises a leg, kicking hard at the man's chest and shoving him backwards. As the man stumbles back across the room, Sherlock gets to his feet and takes an all-important moment to straighten his jacket before charging across the room towards the man.

In the supermarket, John holds a lettuce in a plastic bag and moves it slowly across the scanner in an attempt to get it to read the barcode. AUTOMATED VOICE: Item not scanned. Please try again. (John straightens up, staring at the device in exasperation.) JOHN: D'you think you could keep your voice down? In the flat, the attacker has his sword held horizontally in both hands and is pushing Sherlock backwards into the kitchen. With a tight grip on the man's wrists, Sherlock falls back onto the kitchen table and the man follows him down, trying to press the edge of the blade into Sherlock's throat. Grimacing with the effort, Sherlock pushes the man's right wrist upwards to keep the blade from cutting him. The point of the sword begins to dig into the table to Sherlock's right. Sherlock raises his left leg and knees the man in the side several times and, as this begins to weaken the man's grip, Sherlock forces himself upwards again. The sword tip gouges a long slash across the top of the table.

The transcriber had this to say on the page itself:

Transcript by Ariane DeVere aka Callie Sullivan. Note: Although this transcript is complete, it will continually be a work in progress and may be amended at any time if people point out errors or additions to me, or if I suddenly notice or hear something I've never seen/heard before. Any suggested amendments or new information can be PMd to me, or they can be submitted in the Comments section below. Unfortunately I have had to close the blog to anonymous comments because I was being spammed to death with adverts. Polite request: If you take extracts from this transcript for use elsewhere, and especially if you repost my own words, it would be kind if you would acknowledge the source and/or give a link back to this transcript. Thanks.

No credit or attribution was found in the story.

Edit: Chapter 1 also lifts dialogue from this video:

10/26 . Edited by RogueMudblood, 18h ago #9

Checked the rest. Did not find matches, but she does paraphrase her lifted sections, so closer scrutiny would not be amiss.

10/26 #10
Jeremy Hillary Boob

To quote Mach, "Epic fail by plagiarist".

Does anybody else think this one deserves to be recorded as a notable case?

19h ago #11

It is definitely a candidate for notable case.

Will still need to see the resolution to this case first, whether this ends in an admin banning, self-deletion or if the suspect chooses to flee. Noticed they have disabled PMs. Will see if the DMCA takedowns from the OAs take effect.

Update: Left some reviews to expose violating stories.

17h ago . Edited 17h ago #12
Noticed they have disabled PMs

Unsurprising. I'm not finding anything else yet. Am seeing several phrases/fragments that appear to be spliced together portions of other stories, but nothing popping yet.

13h ago #13
Das Machmobil

Hello GirlBehindTheBook. You just unintentionally turned yourself in.

@Jeremy: I don't remember saying that.

12h ago #14
Jeremy Hillary Boob

Actuall, you did, in the Tink Armor/Aamoraa case.

I still can't believe she did something like that. I mean, it's like a pickpocket telling a policeman "Hey, they say I steal from people, please check me pockets."

5h ago #15

Jeremy - she's the third one that's contacted us like this, basically turning themselves in.

Sent via PM: copies Alice in Wonderland (2010) -

Do you think I've gone round the bend?

I'm afraid so.

You're mad, bonkers, off your head.

But I'll tell you a secret.

All the best people are.

It's what the whole story is based on, and it's used as dialogue in the story with slight modification. She doesn't even begin to attempt to credit it.

10m ago #16
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