全ての 181 コメント

[–]AlsoSpartacus 253 ポイント254 ポイント  (71子コメント)

This is a really confusing chart.

What is cruelty defined as? Does it include verbal abuse?

Does it include molestation/abduction/rape/etc..?

Do the numbers for molestation/abduction/rape include those committed by husbands/family members?

How does this compare against other countries? I wouldn't be surprised if husbands are the biggest perpetrators of crime against women in the United States as well.

[–]rishsriv[S] 54 ポイント55 ポイント  (25子コメント)

You're right. Thanks for the feedback!

Cruelty by husband is the term used in the Indian legislature to lodge complaints. According to the Indian Penal Code section 498A, “cruelty” means: * any willful conduct which is of such a nature as is likely to drive the woman to commit suicide or to cause grave injury or danger to life, limb or health (whether mental or physical) of the woman; or * harassment of the woman where such harassment is with a view to coercing her or any person related to her to meet any unlawful demand for any property or valuable security or is on account of failure by her or any person related to her to meet such demand.

While verbal abuse could technically be a part of cruelty, it is rarely enforced as such. It usually refers to physical abuse or threats to physical well being. I'm not a lawyer though, so take this with a huge pinch of salt.

The numbers for other crimes (EDIT: apart from dowry related crimes) do not include those committed by husbands/family members. In fact, marital rape and molestation is sadly not considered a crime in India.

Not sure about how the numbers compare against other countries tbh. Will do more research on that. EDIT: Did some research. Most violent crime against women in the United States comes from strangers and friends/acquaintances, instead of intimate partners, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics.

Thanks again for the critique, appreciate it!

[–]unassuming_username 71 ポイント72 ポイント  (16子コメント)

I don't understand how this makes sense. It seems like you're lumping together all forms of abuse by husband or his family, and then comparing that with other forms of abuse broken out into category.

What happens if you add together all the abuse by people other than the husband and his family? It looks like you'd get something 160,000, which would make it more than the 120,000 from the husband.

In any case, doesn't seem like you're breaking it down into the categories necessary to make the claim in your title.

[–]UberChargeIsReady 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yup good call, seems like OP is adjusting the numbers to fill up their own bias. Not saying things like this don't happen. But OP is tip toing.

[–]Vijaywada 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

unfortunately 498A is highly misused law these days giving more edge to women for filing divorce with alimony. In most recent news which is talk of town over 498A, a professor committed suicide after he was tortured by law and physical abuse by his in laws.

[–]cuckname 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This isn't really beautiful, elegant data as it is you trying to push your agenda of a default sub.

Of course violence against women is bad, mmmkay, but the OP is not beautiful data.

[–]cthulhucumsicle 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Huh? "In fact, marital rape and molestation is sadly not considered a crime in India." Pretty sure I am looking at a chart some person made that shows that in India any sort of cruelty (including verbal) towards a wife is consider a crime-and that crime is called "Cruelty by Husband or his Relatives".

Do you have a chart that shows how often husbands are the victims of similar coercion? The terminology of the statues seems to say it only applies to women. It is implausible that no woman in India is ever verbally abusive so as to cause thoughts of suicide or mental injury.

Are you pointing out how terrible it is that this sexist statute is on the books? If so, then I agree with you - think of what must me 10's of thousands of husbands that are emotionally battered by their wives (and the subset that are physically attacked as well!)

NOTE: I think you have an agenda to point out problems with dowry/arranged marriages perhaps?

Note2: " Most violent crime against women in the United States comes from strangers and friends/acquaintances, instead of intimate partners, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics[1] ." may or may not apply as you have specifically conflated "violent crime" with "harassment". Not the same thing.

Note2: According to your data: 1) "Most violent crime against women in the United States comes from strangers and friends/acquaintances, instead of intimate partners" vs. 2) India=120,000k crimes committed by husbands and husbands family India=160,000k crimes committed by non-husbands etc in India Molestation+Abduction+Rape+SexualHarrasment

Note3) What about violence against children? Hitting beating and spanking? Is it common for violence to be used in child-rearing? Is it men or women that hit children more? If you want to worry about helpless victims-goddamn get people to stop hitting their kids.

Note4) All these awful perpetrators in your chart are horrible. But fucking with the numbers distracts from whatever you hope to accomplish.

[–]beejak -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

He is posting hard numbers and you got a problem with that?

Post some numbers yourself or get the fuck out of here. Man I am sick with this poisoned mentality that us Indians have. Dont know any numbers and but accuse OP of not posting facts. Fucking trolls

[–]cthulhucumsicle 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

uh... this whole feed is people point out that his numbers and resulting chart are sloppy and incomplete. I am not Indian-though not sure what that would have to do with anything. I am saying that OP has an agenda and that this chart does not further his agenda. Perhaps most importantly his headline: "Husbands and their family members are the biggest perpetrators of crimes against women in India " is proven false by his own chart - 120k crimes by husbands vs 160k+ by not-husbands.

Note that guilty rapists and violent criminals get no sympathy from me. People should be protected from violent spouses of any sex-and it is a shame that it is hard for many people to ask for the help they need. It is probably also true that legal protection against a spouse is harder to get. I know that in the US it is possible that a man who calls the cops because he is being battered by his wife may find that he is the one arrested (happened to an acquaintance of mine-and both parties had to work hard to unwind the legal ramifications). It is also possible (I have no first hand knowledge) that cops in India show up, see a beaten woman, and if she is the wife, the man is not arrested. That certainly was the state of things not so long ago in the US. But fiddling the numbers does not make OP's case.

[–]theubercuber 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (36子コメント)

Numbers are like this for the US as well. Women are fortunate in the sense that they only worry about violence from their husband.

Men experience violence from their wives, but also from strangers, coworkers, parents, etc. Men make up 70-80% of murder victims in most countries, and suffer 5-10 times more stranger violence, muggings, and assaults. They have a much wider array of attackers than women.

[–]mindaika 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Women are fortunate in the sense that they only worry about violence from their husband.

This is about as false of a statement as you can make, but I'll give you a chance to redeem yourself by providing sources to back up this statement.

[–]theubercuber 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

OP linked a BLS graph. Check out those huge stranger danger lines for men!


[–]Mrs_Mz 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (3子コメント)

I hope you don't really believe that women only experience violence from their husbands...

[–]theubercuber 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Women experience much LESS violence from others (compared to men) that husbands make up a larger percent of total violence.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]insomniacunicorn 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Women also experience violence from strangers, coworkers and parents..

    [–]theubercuber 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Yes, but only about 20% that of men. OP posted a source giving some numbers on this if you're interested in some facts.

    [–][削除されました]  (3子コメント)


      [–]99919 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      His original wording wasn't great. What he could have said was this: Any violence, against men or women, is too much. But women are fortunate that overall they experience significantly less violence than men do. And, both men and women are fortunate that there are lots of strong, brave men (and some women, but mostly men) that are willing to risk their own safety to protect us from violence.

      [–]theubercuber -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I wish I was wrong, but I'm not. The fact is, as a man, I'm 5x as likely to die at the hands of another person than a woman. And I'm 5x more likely to be attacked by a stranger.

      [–]bioemerl 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (3子コメント)

      What I want to know is why "prostitution" is considered a crime against women.

      "Oh, no, I'm so sorry you just had sex with me because I paid you money."

      [–]icyfire1 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I believe it is implying forced prostitution. As in somebody is forcing women to become prostitutes so the person who forced them can get money.

      [–]_Z_E_R_O 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      This is Southeastern Asia we're talking about here. A large majority of prostitutes are probably non-consensual and also underage.

      [–]Thermodynamicist -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Further, "husbands" is less than clear. Is the perpetrator married to the victim, or to somebody else?

      Naturally, if most people who have children are married, it follows that the vast majority of people (of whom those who commit violence against women are necessarily a subset) will be family members of husbands.

      [–]DrHappyPants 63 ポイント64 ポイント  (2子コメント)

      This is ridiculous. You have a list of a bunch of crimes against women, and then one category that represents the perpretrators rather than a crime itself. You make the bold claim that husbands and their family members are the biggest PERPETRATORS, yet not a single other category on that chart is a perpetrator. They are crimes.

      If you tally up the rest of the categories and put them under the category "Cruelty perpetrated by non husbands and family members" it would be much larger, making your faux-statement false even in this ludicrously concocted graph.

      [–]ifrit1100 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      This is EXTREMELY misleading, I am glad I checked the comments for the source and some insight into why this graphical representation is a piece of shit.

      [–]_waltzy 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (9子コメント)

      is prostitution a crime committed against women? Does it mean forced prostitution?

      [–]jewstalker 23 ポイント24 ポイント  (3子コメント)

      Clearly the only logical conclusion is to replace all marriages with prostitution.

      [–]cthulhucumsicle 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      Logic is a terrifying thing. Also - at least one of you has green eyes.

      [–]Calabast 10 ポイント11 ポイント  (3子コメント)

      I would kind of expect that to be the case, and probably true in other countries as well. It's like how 90% of car accidents happen within 10 miles of your home or whatever. Not that those are necessarily more dangerous, but that's just where you drive most of the time. (I don't know if Indian husbands are or aren't worse than anywhere else, I just feel like the nature of this statistic is slightly misleading.)

      [–]asdfq3210 19 ポイント20 ポイント  (5子コメント)

      Here is the other side of the coin:

      "The Section 498a of the Indian Penal Code allows the police to arrest the persons mentioned in the complaint without a warrant or without any investigation.[45] The crime is non-bailable, so chances of getting a bail are low and husbands usually lose their jobs. There is no provision of withdrawing a complaint in case of a reconciliation

      According to SIFF, these laws don't follow conventional legal premises where a person is innocent until proven guilty. It has also pointed out that several of those who are arrested under this law are women themselves, i.e., female relatives of husbands.[50] According to Swarup Sarkar, spokesman of SIF, men with low incomes are rarely targeted and most victims of misuse are well-off.[51] Former justice of Delhi High Court Shiv Narayan Dhingra has admitted that this law is being used by women to harass their husbands and in-laws."

      Here is some article I found about dowry harassment: http://www.ucanews.com/news/indias-far-from-happy-husbands/71431

      [–]Xerxesatg1 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Supreme Court of India has issued guidelines on this Section so that it can no longer be misused


      [–]FasKap 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      That is a huge problem in America too, where being charged with a crime alone has been made punative. The jails are full of people who are told one day they will be let free if they plead guilty, or spend more years locked up. Bail is supposed to be reasonable, but for minor crimes (such as simple possession of trace amounts of a drug on a baggie) we are seeing requirments of a years salary, which few people have on hand.

      [–]ZuFFuLuZ 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      I would imagine that husbands and other relatives are the greatest perpetrators in any country. It's just a numbers thing (there are way more husbands than rapists for example).
      The other numbers are probably quite different though. Sexual harrassment is probably higher on the list in the western world and abduction quite low etc.

      [–]FasKap 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Yeah, it is like that women are the biggest perpetrators of child abuse presumably because they are most likely to be the caretakers of children.

      [–]imememine 14 ポイント15 ポイント  (2子コメント)

      Anytime people want to talk about men vs women in the third world they fail to appreciate context it seems.

      The developing world has oppressive institutions and living conditions and sometimes oppressive ideologies(theocracies, etc).

      These oppress men and women in different way and do not stem from male dominance or hatred towards women.

      A country like Iran for example oppresses women but the same institutions that make a woman dress in a burka are the ones that force young men into martyrdom, war and death.

      In india for example the suicide rate for men in marriage is 2x that women due to the oppressive Dowry system which opresses men and women.

      "Before the five armed police burst through Abhishek Kumar's bedroom door in his Delhi apartment last summer the software engineer had been prepared. His parents had been moved out and a bag of his was packed for prison. His crime, he explains, was a failed marriage. Kumar's wife, Pratibha, a lecturer at a local college, had made a complaint under India's dowry law. The offence would allow for arrest and jailing of him and his parents without investigation."

      Trying to paint the world as men vs women with a broad brush is always foolish but when it is applied to the third world it's comically inadequate.

      [–]eric22vhs 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I used to be fascinated (and enraged) hearing statistics like this about third world countries. Until the last year or so, it's suddenly become used as a way to 'prove' institutional sexism in first world countries.

      Looking around on reddit, as soon as anyone makes a strong argument against someone claiming sexism, women getting abused in saudi arabia or something gets thrown out.

      [–]rraaarr 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I would imagine there are similar results (if slightly different categories) for other countries too.

      [–]WhyAmINotStudying 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      You're comparing apples and oranges. Are the crimes committed by husbands and their relatives counted twice in the data for things like molestation, abduction, etc? How severe are the crimes that are counted in the case of crimes committed by husbands and their relatives? Are they counting things like fraud in there?

      I'd rather see a comparison between crimes committed by husbands and their family members vs. crimes committed by others. The data as it is presented is not a good representation of anything.

      [–]AmuseDeath 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (6子コメント)

      This graph is misleading. Cruelty is extremely ambiguous to define. There are cases where the husband have committed horrible, horrible things, but then there are cases where the wife may have felt the man was being cruel, but perhaps had a third party been there, it would not actually be cruel. We need a objective legal basis, a way to check if it happened or not. Going by "feelings" is a poor, subjective way to go about it. You might as well write "number of women who think their husband is an asshole" or something.

      And by far the biggest mistake of this data is that when one sees the length of the bars, they are very misled. We need to put those numbers into context and have a comparison of these numbers to the population of Indian women as a whole. Okay, so 70,000 women have been molested... is that a lot or a little? We would need to compare it the population to take a look. I'm going to make some rough numbers here: there are 1.2 BILLION people in India. Assuming half of these people are women (601 million), the percentage for the highest category, cruelty is .002%. So in the huge country of India, .002% of women feel that their husband is cruel to them. Sort of different than looking at that bar now isn't it?

      Now if that's the highest number in this chart, the other numbers are going to be an even smaller portion.

      This chart shows an extremely misleading picture and we need to be aware that people with agendas usually use them to paint an image of what they want people to see, not how it is. It's a tactic. Use critical thinking to find the truth for yourselves.


      The OP needs to put the graph into context and not chop it off at some arbitrary axis to make the bars appear as big as he wants them to be. On a odd note, if you actually put the population of Indian women into context, this chart is actually saying that 99% of Indian women are NOT victims of cruelty, rape, molestation, sexual assault, etc.

      And before certain people assume stupid things, I do not advocate for violence against women. I don't advocate violence against ANYBODY really. I do understand that women suffer from problems along with men, but I don't believe using misleading pictures is the proper way to go about it.

      [–]YaraFan 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Most harassment is committed against women by people they are close to, this is well documented. Redditors would have you believe otherwise however.

      [–]CAPS_4_FUN 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      This is just a regular bar chart... what is so beautiful about it? Fucking politics taking over this once nice sub. This is a beautiful chart: http://i.imgur.com/EV24xuD.jpg

      [–]funkymoose 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (2子コメント)

      You're way more likely to be abducted then sexually harassed? Damn.

      [–]BenevolentCitizen 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I'm betting the difference is in the reporting. People are probably far more likely to report abductions than sexual harassment.

      [–]youre_a_tard 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)


      Welcome to Data Is Ugly, a sub all about butchered statistics, misleading charts and unlabelled axes. If you've found a particularly useless/dishonest/unreadable chart or infographic, and struggled to find someone who will listen to your complaints, then rejoice, for you are home!

      [–]kootenaykid9258 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      This data is anything but "beautiful". But thanks for sharing none-the-less!

      [–]brotherwayne 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I'm gonna be that guy and admit I downvoted this. It's a very bland bar chart. The information is important but presented poorly.

      [–]elpapaaaa 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Well I think in this case the data is not beautiful at all.

      [–]bocanuts 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Not useful. Seriously. It doesn't even have anything for reference or percentages or even a definition of terms.

      [–]NeonNina 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      Husbands and their family members are the biggest perpetrators of crimes against women in India [OC]

      I don't see any other categories of PEOPLE. Perhaps seeing rape and abduction at about triple the amount of sexual harassment is noteworthy, but if your point is comparing categories of people, you have to compare it to other categories of people.

      [–]eric22vhs 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      This isn't an aesthetically interesting representation of data. It's not even a very aesthetic bar graph...

      It's not even cited data or specific in its terminology.

      It's just a hot topic to score karma..

      [–]BennyLee 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (3子コメント)

      So, its better to be a prostitute in India than to be someone's wife?

      [–]rishsriv[S] 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (2子コメント)

      Wouldn't go as far as saying that. Most Indians husbands are caring, compassionate people. But there's a large numbers of cultural factors that might make a marriage a non-loving union.

      • The vast majority of Indians don't know their partners well before marriage, because of arranged marriages
      • India has a traditionally largely patriarchal culture wherein women are socially and economically disenfranchised, and men (especially in rural area) view them as their 'property', instead of independent beings

      You gotta note that the average Indian redditor is not very different from the average European or American redditor. But people without education and without proper jobs have a very backward approach to issues like women empowerment. My hunch is that those are the ones causing a majority of these problems.

      [–]rishsriv[S] 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (7子コメント)

      Data obtained from http://data.gov.in/catalog/crime-against-women (2001-12) and http://www.ncrb.gov.in/CD-CII2013/CII13-TABLES/Table%205.2.pdf (2013). Plotted using matplotlib. Data processed through pandas.

      These figures are likely vastly under-reported. A survey by the Institute of Human Development reported "that while 100 out of every 100,000 women said they had experienced rape as per the IHD statistics, the corresponding number was just 8 out of every 100,000 according to the NCRB data." Link

      [–]orbitalia 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      No shit, that sexual harrasment is lower than rape cannot be true, and prostitution is everywhere.

      [–]DaNiceguy 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (5子コメント)

      And yet India has the highest known rate of false reporting of rape in the world.

      [–]KiraKiraKira_ 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (2子コメント)

      I'd like more information on that, honestly. That just seems outrageous, and it makes me wonder exactly how these investigations are being conducted. Accusing someone of rape because you want a different shift at work? I find that a little unbelievable.

      [–]DaNiceguy 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I did read somewhere that any woman in India reporting a rape (against herself) is automatically given a sum of money. That certainly provides an incentive. I'll see if I can find a citation.

      [–]sa1 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Not exactly what you wanted, but here's another article that goes into it:

      Of the cases fully tried, over 40% dealt with consensual sex, usually involving the elopement of a young couple and the girl’s parents subsequently charging the boy with rape. Another 25% dealt with “breach of promise to marry”.

      Context: Indian law treats all previous pre-marital sex to be rape if the guy has promised to marry the girl in the future, but then breaks off the relationship.

      Also many Indian parents, angry at their daughters for choosing their own partners, often charge the guy with rape too.

      [–]rishsriv[S] -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      Aye, and it's a big problem. It's a big challenge to get the balance between empowering victims and ensuring that the law is not abused. At the moment, however, I would argue that more needs to be done to encourage victims of rape to speak out and to educate the police to register cases (instead of questioning victims' motives straight away).

      Cases that are frivolous will eventually be cleared, but genuine victims that can't even register a case or are too scared to do so have no chance of justice.

      [–]theubercuber 9 ポイント10 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      At the moment, however, I would argue that more needs to be done to encourage victims of rape to speak out and to educate the police to register cases (instead of questioning victims' motives straight away).

      I just read /u/DaNiceguy's link. If more than half of all reported rapes in India are women trying to get revenge on a man or hurt him for some other reason, why shouldn't the police start looking into potential motives?

      If there was a city where half of all robbery complaints were insurance scams, I would fully expect the police there to start looking into the backgrounds of the robbed people. That's not victim-blaming, that's criminal-blaming.

      [–]rraaarr 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I would imagine there are similar results (if slightly different categories) for other countries too.

      [–]DMC5ATL 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Well, at least they're being convicted...

      [–]Missylissy808 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      There is a documentary called "gendercide" that talks about death and abuse against the women of India. Women are considered "no good" in that culture. Many women will kill their children if it is born female. Its sad. But, that's their culture. Who's to say it is wrong. Incredibly sad, but its their truth.

      [–]CodingPiping 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

      So, it's safer to go into prostitution than to get married? Am I reading this right?

      [–]rodrigogirao 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      If I read it right, they count prostitution itself as a crime against women, not a job.

      [–]Alexstarfire 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      I don't mean to seem uncaring about this, but given the numbers in the chart, which I totaled to be around 300,000 and the population of women in India, which based on my Google search is about 614,397,079, these crimes only happen to 0.0488% of the population in women. That's pretty small.

      To give an example, if a random women is married for 75 years they'd have roughly a 3.5% chance of being included in these statistics at some point. Of course, this assumes that the rate remains the same for 75 years which is pretty much statistically impossible. Make what you want of that since IDK if it has any meaning, significant or otherwise.

      The numbers and distribution are interesting to know but it also seems a bit skewed as /u/unassuming_username pointed out. All crimes by husband and friends are lumped together while the others are not. Of course, out of the remaining numbers it's still split between strangers and friends/acquaintances so you can't just lump all those together and come to a good conclusion.

      In short, this graph doesn't provide any definitive proof, though the title of this thread is probably true, and it also makes it seem that crimes against women are more prevalent than it is. That said, it seems unlikely that this graph contains all crimes against women.

      In super short, there is a lot wrong with this graph that makes it pretty much useless. I'm not blaming OP for that..... unless he made the graph, then ROT IN HELL. :D

      [–]CodingLiking 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Oh my god I just found out they can be tortured, murdered or basically forced into suicide so the man can remarry. Does hekeep the dowry ye?

      [–]TheAsian1nvasion 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Pretty sure "husbands and their family members" is a larger group of people than OP meant.

      [–]EeVintage 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Not in relation to pool size. Pool of wifes is greater then that of prostitues. You would have to compare by percentage affected vs total.

      [–]BugLink 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Traditionally, a dowry is essentially a "payment" made to the groom's family in exchange for taking a girl child off their hands. 1/?

      [–]Anon_Amous 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

      Is prostitution in this case, by a third party under force?

      Otherwise it's a crime I would think perpetrated by a woman and a client rather than to them, unless it is as I've said above. I think some Scandinavian countries are the only countries who feel prostitution is a one-way crime irrespective of arrangement.

      [–][削除されました]  (3子コメント)


        [–]BSexclusionzone 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        So... is it a patriarchal or a matriarchal society, then?

        Honest curiosity

        [–]rodrigogirao 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

        Got data on female abuse against males? I presume the numbers won't be very different.

        [–]Vaynar 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

        Urrgh no one needs to immediately stand up for men's rights the moment a stat like this comes up. We get it - men occasionally get abused by women. Do women represent the overwhelming majority of victims, even discounting for under-reporting by male victims? Yes.

        The situation is not even close to being equal. We don't need some r/redpill shit every time violence against women is a reddit post.

        And this is coming from a guy.

        [–]Flafff 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        Do you have any actual data source to support your claims? Because it's exactly what he is asking.

        [–]Eentadne 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        It's 2014 and women in India die of deaths related to a dowry. A DOWRY.

        [–]beejak 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        You just bumped into hivemind. Anything you do to prove a point that Indian kulcha is fucked up as it is, is going to go up against the argument that "Meh....this also happens in US"

        Someone please tell these assholes that yes or maybe it does happen in US but not by husband or relatives and yes you WILL go to jail and will have a hard time explaining in front of the judge what you did and there are severe consequences including jail time and fucked up public record.

        [–]SoapboxLogic_ 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

        A source would be nice. This doesn't explain much as it stands.

        [–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


          [–]IPlayTheInBedGame 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

          I think it probably means relatives of the husband of a particular woman. I would guess the woman's mother in law would be pretty high on that list.

          [–]Gatewayin -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

          And of course all of the top comments are disregarding the topic at hand.

          [–]demiankz -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Nice place they got there. Remind me to never visit.

          [–]ja1484 -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Isn't everyone in India a husband or a husband's family member?

          [–]PLA61398 -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

          Dowry death. What the hell. Non-death Dowry Related Crimes. Such a strange system. Why would anyone need to pay a Dowry? Are Indian women so unwanted?