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[–]Geminel -10 ポイント-9 ポイント  (5子コメント)

This is what happens when your game becomes popular in Eastern Europe and China.

Gamers in those nations have no shame.

Edit: This isn't simply baseless slander. I'm speaking from the experience of having been to these areas, visited game pubs there and seeing just how rampant piracy and cheating are. The culture over there simply doesn't see anything 'wrong' with it.

[–]katlord_kromdar 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Thats textbook racism. I done seen dem for'ners cheatin, derefore all for'ners are cheaters

[–]Geminel -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (3子コメント)

It's pointing out a cultural element.

[–]katlord_kromdar 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

No it's making a huge generalisation about an entire race of people based on anecdotal experience. That is called racism.

[–]Geminel [非表示スコア]  (1子コメント)

You're seeing racism because you want to see it. I'm talking about how the culture a person grows up in effects their morals and actions.

It's a cultural difference that that area of the world promotes. Is every Russian of Chinese player a hacker? Obviously not.

Those societies are actively anti-western, though. It's easy for them to justify ruining people's experiences when they are able to view their victims as privileged white westerners. Most every game that has Asian and American players together on the same server ends up with a huge culture clash. Same with Russians, Brazilians, and even Dutch. People don't like seeing words in their chat box they can't understand. Seeing things they don't like increases a person's willingness to want to eliminate it's source by whatever means they have available.

Beyond that, they live in a world where winning is all, because losers can literally suffer and die in the streets. Those nations have a different perspective on what cheating is, and what it means. They don't consider, as deeply, the impact of their cheating in gaming because they live in a culture where those who cheat in life are often the ones who live best.

There are cultures and areas that are just as bad in America and Western Europe as well, no doubt. There are plenty of people who cheat in plenty of ways all around the world. Their desire or willingness to do so will be greatly impacted by two factors, probably over any others: First, the consequences of being caught, including but not limited to how it will be viewed by their peers. Secondly, their access to the tools, resources or knowledge required to cheat. When you live in a country where most gaming is done in pubs, and half the computers in these pubs have cheat engines already installed on them and ready to go,(either installed by the 13 year old who used the system before you, or because the pub you're at installs them by default.) you're going to be far more likely to utilize them.

Every time a person wants to point out that there are differences between people it does not make them a racist. It means they want to point out that those differences exist, and that person may not agree with the other cultures views, even when possessing a understanding of them.

edited to expand the overall point.

[–]katlord_kromdar [非表示スコア]  (0子コメント)

"Gamers in those nations have no shame."

-generalisation based on race.

"Every time a person wants to point out that there are differences between people it does not make them a racist."

Of course not. Eg: I could say generally people from America have whiter skin than me and that would not be racist.

However if I were to say all Americans are idiots, that would be racist.

What would not be racist would be to say: A lot of Americans seem to be idiots.

There's a big difference between saying all of a race of people are something compared to some of a race of people seem to be something.