I feel really uncomfortable with non-desi people reblogging this kind of thing.
Like what are you lot laughing at? You’re laughing at the accent and the whole ‘look how fresh off the boat brown people sound’.
We laugh at this because we legit have family members like this. You lot laugh because of the racist caricatures of desi people in your head.
Jfc what an absurd assumption. The vast majority of people laughing at this are laughing AT THE JOKE and would still be laughing regardless of the accent in which it was delivered.
You desi?
Then shut up.
This is absolutely just laughing at a racist caricature, what else is it? Is free water really funny?
Yes, and I would have giggled whether a white, black, or Asian person had delivered the joke.
Even accepting your presumption (which is obviously false), what’s your solution? Non-Desi people avoid Desi comedians? Non-black comedians avoid black comedians? All because a tiny minority non-[race] people may be laughing at the accent. Like I said - absurd.
That’s not what I’m saying and you know it.
This joke is racialised and the accent makes it what it is.
And I openly tell non-black people (like myself) not to laugh at black caricatures, I tell cis people (like myself) not to reblog trans jokes. The jokes are for that community, not for everyone else.
If you want to laugh, I can’t physically stop you but if you think your appreciation of this joke is based on anything other than a bigoted stereotype of desi people then you’re deluding yourself.
We can laugh at this for whatever reason we want and there is absolutely no subjective sense of morality you can impose on us that will stop us. Of course we are laughing at his accent. Of COURSE we are laughing at the way he trills his Rs. We can laugh at that AND laugh at the joke itself because it’s all hilariously tied together in a marvelous way that turns something as simple as a complaint about water in hotel rooms into humor. You don’t think black folks are watching this? You don’t think asians, mexicans, and other groups of folks aren’t enjoying this?
Humor is NOT property. Humor, I say again, IS NOT PROPERTY. Nobody owns it. Nobody dictates who gets to have a sense of it. Not you. Not anyone, you dig?If anything, we need to laugh at ethnic differences more often. We need to stop taking ourselves as seriously as you have to the point where, apparently, jokes exist in a quantum state where they are only good if reblogged by that disgusting qualifier called “POC” (Instead of just calling them people.) You can tell people what they aught to find funny or not funny all you damned well please. It amounts to nothing. You have zero authority.
The reason we still consider race-relations so seriously is because of people like yourself who can’t let anyone laugh at themselves or others because of some extremely limited perspective. Imagine if blacks and whites could laugh at each other and still get along.
Wait…we do! All those “white people be like” videos? I see as many of them shared by white people going “omg that’s so me!” as I do by black folks doing ones on themselves. The videos I see black folks making about themselves is even more of a ribbing to their own cultures. But it’s all watched, viewed, and shared by everyone because we all find it funny. But because of people like you, if a white person made a “black people be like” video - all hell breaks loose. And it’s not because blacks don’t have a sense of humor, certainly. It’s because people like you point and claim racism where there is nothing of the sort going on.
It’s you people who keep putting up walls to enact an embargo on one of the only things we may share between all groups: a sense of humor.
You don’t have to laugh, but you are in no position to tell anyone else they can’t.I got like three words into this and then I got bored
The first three words are all you need to see. "We can laugh."
If you can’t be bothered to deal with criticism beyond a middle-school-level response, that’s fine. This isn’t entirely for you. Hopefully someone else who agrees with you can muster the fortitude to respond with something of greater substance.SJWs are the new segregationists
(via timtamsthejimjams)
Source: vine.co
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