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bug fucker ;, FNAFKIN NETWORK. App! Requirements Be FNAFkin...

Be FNAFkin (Animatronic or security guard or otherwise)
Reblog this post.
Rules (Follow them or you’ll be stuffed in a suit kicked out!)
Be respectful.
You cannot be truscum, anti sj, or any such things.
Respect triggers! (That means no unwarned jumpscares, animatronics!)
OtherOnce accepted, I’ll add you on Skype and put you in the group chat.
We hope to be active on Skype and Tumblr!




  • Be FNAFkin (Animatronic or security guard or otherwise)
  • Reblog this post.

Rules (Follow them or you’ll be stuffed in a suit kicked out!)

  • Be respectful.
  • You cannot be truscum, anti sj, or any such things.
  • Respect triggers! (That means no unwarned jumpscares, animatronics!)
  • Once accepted, I’ll add you on Skype and put you in the group chat.
  • We hope to be active on Skype and Tumblr!
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