[Aaron Sorkin: Christian Bale ‘Will Crush’ Steve Jobs Role | YouTube]
どうやら結局 Christian Bale がソニー映画のスティーブ・ジョブズ役をやることが本決まりになったらしい。
・Christian Bale Didn’t Have to Audition for Jobs Film Role | Bloomberg
“We needed the best actor on the board in a certain age range and that’s Chris Bale,” Sorkin told Bloomberg Television’s Emily Chang on a coming edition of “Studio 1.0.” “He didn’t have to audition. Well, there was a meeting.”
“He has more words to say in this movie than most people have in three movies combined,” Sorkin said. “There isn’t a scene or a frame that he’s not in. So it’s an extremely difficult part and he is gonna crush it.”
・ジョブズ公式伝記の映画、クリスチャン・ベールがジョブズ役に(SONY Pictures配給) | トブ iPhone
・スタンフォード大学卒業スピーチの後日談「人生ははかない」 | Steve Jobs museum
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・Sneak Preview: Christian Bale As Steve Jobs – CONAN on TBS | YouTube