研究チームに参加している科学者は、ツタンカーメンの「仮想検視」 を行った。これはツタンカーメンのミイラを撮影した2000枚以上のCTスキャン画像から等身大の王のイメージを詳細に分析したものだ。その結果、ツタンカーメンが少女のような容姿だったことに加え、出っ歯で内反足(足首の関節の異常により、足の裏が内方に向く状態となった足)だったことが明らかになった。
ドキュメンタリー番組「Tutankhamun: The Truth Uncovered(ツタンカーメン : 明らかになった真実)」で紹介されたように、ツタンカーメン王の謎に包まれた死について、新たな発見があった。
イタリア・ボルザノにあるミイラとアイスマン研究所のアルバート・ジンク博士はハフポストUS版の取材に対し「CTスキャンで調べてみたら、彼は足の障害と慢性的な健康不良を抱えていたので、馬車に乗っていた可能性は非常に低いことが明らかになりました」と述べた。「ですから、彼が馬車に乗っている時に事故に遭ったとは考えにくいでしょう。 (彼の遺体の) 骨折した左膝に治癒の跡が見られないのは、馬車の衝突事故ではなく、単にどこかから転落した結果です」。
インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドンのがん研究科・外科のフタン・アシュラフィアン氏はハフポストUS版に対して「古代エジプト時代のレリーフや彫刻に残された史料によると、 (男系の先祖の) 何人かは、胸や尻が大きくなる『女性化』に苦しんだほか、ツタンカーメンの祖先は神経症状に悩まされていたようです」と述べた。「これは、容姿が女性化するほどホルモンバランスが崩れ、死因が遺伝的なものだった可能性があり、そして脚の怪我も先天的な病気から可能性が大きくなりました」。
A picture taken on October 20, 2009 shows King Tutankhamun's golden mask displayed at the Egyptian museum in Cairo. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/GettyImages)
A picture taken on October 20, 2009 shows King Tutankhamun's golden mask displayed at the Egyptian museum in Cairo. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/GettyImages)
(FILES) -- A picture taken on October 20, 2009 shows King Tutankhamun's golden mask displayed at the Egyptian museum in Cairo. DNA testing has unraveled some of the mystery surrounding the birth and death of pharaoh king Tutenkhamun, revealing his father was a famed monotheistic king and ruling out Nefertiti as his mother, Egypt's antiquities chief said on February 17, 2010. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/GettyImages)
(FILES) -- A picture taken on October 20, 2009 shows King Tutankhamun's golden mask displayed at the Egyptian museum in Cairo. DNA testing has unraveled some of the mystery surrounding the birth and death of pharaoh king Tutenkhamun, revealing his father was a famed monotheistic king and ruling out Nefertiti as his mother, Egypt's antiquities chief said on February 17, 2010. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/GettyImages)
People look at the mummy of Tutankhamunâs mother (an unidentified queen whose mummy was known as 'The Younger Lady') at the Egyptian museum in Cairo on February 17, 2010. New research has revealed that the boy king Tutankhamun died of malaria after a fall, used a cane, and was the son of the monotheistic Pharaoh Akhenaten, Egypt's antiquities chief Zahi Hawass said. AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/GettyImages)
A pictures shows the mummy of Akhenaten, Tutankhamunâs father at the Egyptian museum in Cairo on February 17, 2010. The pharaohs were not effeminate despite the appearance of Tutankhamun on his golden bust, Egyptian antiquities chief Zahi Hawass said he unveiled new evidence about the life and times of the famed boy king.
AFP PHOTO/KHALED DESOUKI (Photo credit should read KHALED DESOUKI/AFP/GettyImages)
(FILES) A picture taken on November 4, 2007 shows the face of Pharaoh Tutankhamun displayed in a climate-controlled case at his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, close to Luxor, 500 kms south of Cairo. Egypt is to unveil on February 17, 2010 results of DNA tests carried out on the mummy of the enigmatic boy-king Tutankhamun in a bid to unravel the mystery concerning his lineage. AFP PHOTO/CRIS BOURONCLE (Photo credit should read CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP/GettyImages)
Detail of a granite statue of Tutankhamun on display April 21, 2010 at a preview of 'Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs', an exhibition at Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York. Multicolored medical scans of the real mummy are reflected in the glass case. The exhibit opens April 23. AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda (Photo credit should read STAN HONDA/AFP/GettyImages)
Detail of a granite statue of Tutankhamun on display April 21, 2010 at a preview of 'Tutankhamun and the Golden Age of the Pharaohs', an exhibition at Discovery Times Square Exposition in New York. Multicolored medical scans of the real mummy are reflected in the glass case. The exhibit opens April 23. AFP PHOTO/Stan Honda (Photo credit should read STAN HONDA/AFP/GettyImages)
The sarcophagus of King Tutankhamun, known as the 'Child Pharaoh' remains empty in its burial chamber after the mummy was placed in a glass urn designed to protect the remains of the ancient king from humidity and other contamination brought by a constant flow of over 350 visitors a day in his tomb in the Valley of the Kings, close to Luxor, 500 kms south of Cairo 04 November 2007. Temperature will be controlled to 25 centigrade and humidity maintained around 35 percent. Tutankhamun ascended to the throne at nine years old and died at about eighteen years of age. This is the first time his uncovered face will be presented to the public 30 centuries after his death. The tomb was discovered by British collector Lord George Carnarvon and archaeologist Howard Carter 04 November 1922. AFP PHOTO/CRIS BOURONCLE (Photo credit should read CRIS BOURONCLE/AFP/GettyImages)
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