The Victor's Blog

A blog about the stuff I enjoy and my adventures through university.

Call me "Victor" for short. I am cis, gay, and my pronouns are he/his/him.

None of the content here is mine unless specified otherwise.

#My Animal Xing Side Blog

#Artsy Eye Candy

#My Journal

A commentary on ally hate



I really don’t get it. I honestly do not get it at all. Why would you want to hate on somebody who supports you through and through? Just because they’re straight? That is such a bullshit reason to hate on somebody, just like it is absolute horseshit to hate on LGBT people.

This bloods vs crips-like bullshit against LGBT and non LGBT people needs to stop. Nuff said.

It’s just like macklemore said…

Tagged: #macklemore #allies are great #but they can be problematic #or rather #they are at times #lgbt #great respone btw penguintim

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