Hello, I really need financial assistance. My six year old laptop is falling apart. My work environment is transmisogynistic, heterosexist, and ableist. I’m pretty much using my work computer as my primary computer at this point. If i want a safer work environment, I need to work remotely and my laptop is in no shape for that. I’ve also used my laptop for creative endeavors and it is in no shape for that any of that. If I want to work in a safer environment and do my art again, I need a laptop.
With your help, I can get a new laptop. I might even be able to get other hardware to further my artistic endeavors and help pay some of my living expenses. Help me and I will make you all sorts of creative shinies!
There’s just 23 days left and I’ve only raised 26% so far! Please donate, whether that’s $100 or $10 or $1, all amounts are appreciated. Signal boost this as much as possible please.
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Donated what I could. Help out if you can!
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