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Robert Caruso @robertcaruso · 25 Aug 2013
I don't care about the plight of the Syrian people. Frankly, I think we should let them suffer. But Obama and Power do care.
  1. If we insist on intervening in Syria to save people, that presents a valuable opportunity to do other things. Like degrade IRGC leadership.
  2. Obama will probably not seek authorization from Congress. If that happens, I can only hope the mandate is as expansive as possible.
  3. @AbeSilberstein decision to resort to prompt global strike vs precision strike w drones is classic Obama.
  4. @AbeSilberstein Obama doesn't have a whole lot of choices here. His base is infatuated with drones, but they're less than useless in SY.
  5. @AbeSilberstein this was always my problem with Drone Fever, like we just saw in Yemen: it's not enough. Real enemies, like Iran, have EW.
  6. .@AbeSilberstein you could never prosecute a campaign against IRGC with drones. No matter what anyone says, that may be necessary in Syria.
  7. @AbeSilberstein a picture for you: US dismantles Assad's C2. Does regime still have a advantage? Can they strike Turkey, Jordan? Yes & yes.
  8. @AbeSilberstein precisely, Obama is making a political decision but neither Iran and Assad care about limits we impose on ourselves.
  9. @AbeSilberstein my point, which I know you see already, is our feelings about fighting Iran are irrelevant. That's a decision Iran will make
  10. @AbeSilberstein Assad depends on Iran for support. We don't get to make idealistic choices.
  11. @AbeSilberstein Intervention doesn't mean 'what Obama and Power want'. It means whatever Syria & Iran want to make it. That's reality.
  12. @AbeSilberstein I'm not a warmonger or anything of the sort, there's just idealism and reality. Like most things, it's clear cut.
  13. @AbeSilberstein we elected Obama--twice. Clearly the citizenry believes he will make good decisions. But with SY, that remains to be seen.
  14. @AbeSilberstein let's say the US has decided a few missiles & a NFZ are the extent of our involvement. Okay. We don't get to choose.
  15. @AbeSilberstein there are a lot of nightmare scenarios, among them personnel recovery of a pilot or pilots, plural, and retaliatory attacks.
  16. @AbeSilberstein well of course. For all of his real or perceived faults, he's a career military officer with his own considerations.

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