In the beginning, government created the societies on earth. Now the societies were formless, void, and empty. Darkness reined over the unconnected landscape, the spirit of government hovered over the barren fields of land.
And thy Government said "Let there be roads!", and there were roads.
"Our Leader, who art in Washington,
hallowed be thy roads.
Thy property rights none,
Thy taxes done, on time and in sealed envelope.
Give us this day our daily bread ration,
And forgive us our voluntary trades,
And lead us not into free markets,
but deliver us from Somalia,
For thine is the interstate, the drones, the schools,
and the functioning toasters, forever and ever.
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HERE is a list of common fallacies hurled at libertarians by tyrannical statists. Logic is not their strongpoint so call them out.
- "Singapore found a nice solution. Execute people for drug possession." - /u/DigitalThorn
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