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A radically new Ruby web server

Disrupting the Ruby web server scene in


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Performance and visiblity

Raptor is a new Ruby app server built for two goals: performance and visibility.

Raptor has an innovative and optimized HTTP engine, making it up to 4x faster than Unicorn, up to 2x faster than Puma and up to 2x faster than Torquebox.

Raptor gives you visibility into your app's behavior, so that you can easily analyze problems. No more pulling your hair out during production, wondering why the app is misbehaving.

Don't take our word for it

Before announcing Raptor, we sent previews to various testers. Here's what some of them have to say.

Stay tuned and subscribe for updates, because other testers will soon follow with their reviews.

We're going to release a public beta very soon. The best part? It's going to be open source and will be released on Github.

More third-party reviews will be published soon. Curious? Subscribe for updates.

Stay updated and celebrate the upcoming launch.

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Who are we?

We are a group of friends, software developers and business partners with backgrounds in computer science, systems programming, web development, Ruby, and Rails. Our mission is to revolutionize the Ruby app server scene with the next new, hot technology.

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