
We record notable TPS (tweets per second, 1 second per round or command line arguments).
London 2012 Olympic Games closing ceremony and TPS (tweets per second)
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 08/18/2012

08 / 13 / 2012 5:00 London Olympics closing ceremony took place (Japan hours) from.

08 / 13 / 2012 Day-red is the shape chart for one week before 2012 / 08 / 06 blue below.

Early in the morning and in the Japan, is different from mine so much and, number of Tweets was more pretty much normally in all over the world. Opening ceremony more than interesting. Even if it just great performers. TPS (tweets per second) and came up with when the spice girls appeared.

10 Second average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

10 Seconds it’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5 Min’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

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London Olympic Football women’s semi-finals and TPS (tweets per second)
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 07/08/2012

08 / 07 / 2012 1:00 AM (Japan hours) and London Olympic Football women’s semi-finals took place.

Japan won 2: 1 first match Japan vs France, decided to reach the final.

Canada vs USA second game and tied the score 3-3, decided to reach the final of USA scoring a goal in injury time extended in the second half, won 4-3 in Canada.

10 Second average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

10 Seconds it’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5 Min’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

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Olympic Athletics men’s 100 m final and TPS (tweets per second)
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 08/06/2012

08 / 06 / 2012 5:50 Is (Japan time) AM, London Olympics track and field men’s 100 m final.

08 / 06 / 2012 Day, red is the shape chart for one week before 2012 / 07 / 30 below blue.

Early in the morning and in the Japan, is different from mine so much and, number of Tweets flourished in the whole world can see.

10 Second average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

10 Seconds it’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5 Min’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

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Summer Olympics opening ceremony and TPS (tweets per second)
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 07/28/2012

07 / 28 / 2012 5:00 London Olympics opening ceremony took place (Japan time) am.

07 / 28 / 2012 Day, red is the shape chart for one week before 2012 / 07 / 21 below blue.

Early in the morning and in the Japan, is different from mine so much and, crushed and command line arguments in the whole world of daily approximately 3 ensure that is required.

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5 Min’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

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Annular solar eclipse and TPS (tweets per second)
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 05/21/2012

05 / 21 / 2012 Annular solar eclipse was observed in Japan.

05 / 21 / 2012 Day-red is stuff piled up one week ago 05 / 14 / 2012 chart below blue. 1828 TPS (tweets per second) maximum recorded 7:35 and greatest Eclipse in the Kanto region.

Confirmed as the Eclipse progressed length per tweet (Tweet average length) shortened gradually, too.

Increase rapidly the percentage on the other hand, as the Eclipse nears end, official RT, 8:00 maintained several hours before the largest and high value.

Annular solar eclipse from the fountain of Tokyo Disneyland’s Toontown such kanji!

Tokyo Disney Resort PR [official] (@TDR_PR) May 21, 2012

Good morning!! Today is 5/21/2012 Eclipse. Could watch the Sun ring at Tokyo Disney Resort.

Tokyo Disney Resort PR [official] (@TDR_PR) May 21, 2012

This an amazing Annular solar eclipse. He took a plane should be why but hey I was writing

Ryu gu (@ryuki_guilty15) May 20, 2012

Grandma had looked like when I went outside and look at the Eclipse

Also from May 20, 2012 (@eryos_m)

This picture is hot as cute

Junk junky ™ (@point727) May 21, 2012

Tokyo sky tree and annular eclipse.

Nakatani, Koji (@bluestylecom) May 21, 2012

Hey ‘s why bikes should be

soma (@somatomo) May 21, 2012

Inspiring fresh out drew the annular solar eclipse picture! Here if you missed it!

Seiichi Tanabe (@tanabe1969) May 21, 2012

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TPS (tweets per second) and low pressure rapid intensification of the 03 / 04 / 2012
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 07/04/2012

Very rare phenomena in low pressure develops quickly, 04 / 03 / 2012, brought the wind damage across the country.

Low pressure rapid intensification of 4/2012 to about (Japan Meteorological Agency)

Storm and peak in the Kanto region, 6:00 PM, is usually more similar to Typhoon No. 15 when many tweets that made the clue.

Following blue graph is a graph at the TPS (tweets per second, 1 second per round or command line arguments) 04 / 03 / 2012 day-red chart.

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5 Min’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

TPD in the 03 / 04 / 2012 Japan (tweets per day, daily tweets counts) is 59880000 up and past tweets,.

Japan TPD (tweets per day)

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2012 April Fools ‘ day with TPS (tweets per second)
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 07/04/2012

01 / 04 / 2012 Lot — has been published according to the 00: 00. As a result many tweets, jumped to TPS. Interesting especially many retweets on ネタツイート made the official RT percentage rose significantly.

Blue chart is a chart one week before TPS (tweets per second, 1 second per round or command line arguments) 01 / 04 / 2012-red chart below.

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5-Minute average percentage (retweet share rate) Japan official RT

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twitter’s user ID exceeded 500 million.
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 25/02/2012

Twitter’s user ID topped 500 million 23 / 02 / 2012 (Japan time).

Advanced users twitter accounts user IDs are made new and becoming as will increases by 1, current twitter user accounts total (cumulative) found in almost 500 million.

However, 2/2008 teeth gaps between users that ID had been issued and accounts were abolished because actually 500 million less than should have.

This is a 500 million th anniversary.

Below is a chart created by sampling several.

2/2008 Is user ID issued to teeth missing is because is greater than the actual number.

Few months sign up for Twitter accounts (signups per month)

Twitter account sign up cumulative (cumulative signups)

Few months sign up Japan Twitter accounts (signups per month) and sign up for cumulative (cumulative signups)

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Super Bowl vs Grammy Awards
Comment Posted by: tweetcounter : 14/02/2012

Had a big event, 2012 / 02 / 06 (Japan hours) and Grammy Awards followed on 2012 / 02 / 13 of the Super Bowl the following week (Japan time).

Compare the two events held, TPS (tweets per second, 1 second per round or command line arguments) here. 2012 / 02 / 13-Red that shows chart for one week before 2012 / 02 / 06 blue. The moment you can see the TPS but the biggest Super Bowl outweigh, and again at the Grammys, but have higher.

10 Seconds it’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

60 Seconds is all over the world average TPS (tweets per second)

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Grammy and TPS (tweets per second)
1 Comments Posted: 02/13/2012 : tweetcounter

54 Grammy award that honors the best 2012 / 02 / 13 (Japan hours), U.S. music and ceremony took place. Won 6 Division, including a monopoly on 3 major British singer, Adele, except for Rookie of the year award.

Blue chart is a chart two weeks before TPS (tweets per second, 1 second per round or command line arguments) 02 / 13 / 2012 day-red chart below. Reaction is seen most in Japan understood and seen all over the world value of the TPS has grown.

5-Minute average Japan TPS (tweets per second)

5 Min’s worldwide average TPS (tweets per second)

LPT (average length Length Per Tweet, tweet) chart follows. Virtually unchanged at Japan home. You can see while LPT value decreases during the ceremony hours in the whole world, the shorter average length of Tweets.

5-Minute average Japan LPT (Length per tweet)

5 Minutes is average worldwide LPT (Length per tweet)

Secondly, all proportion of official RT Tweets of the chart. You can see all over the world in percentage of official RT increases.

5-Minute average percentage of official RT in Japan

Percentage of official RT in average 5 minutes

Twitter Recap: GRAMMYs 2012

People sent 10901 Tweets per second TPS-as Adele won Record of the Year — the peak TPS moment of the night.
“Grammys” was mentioned in more than 5 million Tweets on Sunday between noon and midnight PT.
The most mentioned artists (in descending order) during that same 12-hour period were: @OfficialAdele, @ChrisBrown, @NickiMinaj, @Rihanna, Whitney Houston.

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