Postgres + LLVM = Speed

Unleash your x86 CPU for up to 10X speedup in OLAP Queries.

Announcing Vitesse DB 9.3.5.S

JIT Compilation

When it makes sense, Vitesse DB compiles query into native code using LLVM. The code is optimized to move tremendous amount of data intra-CPU and to run extremely efficiently on modern superscalar CPU.

SSE Optimization

CSV file parsing is done using SSE instructions that process the CSV data 16-byte at a time.

Drop-in Deployment

100% binary compatibility with Postgres 9.3.5 means there is no need to modify your application or site operation to realize the speed benefits and cost savings in electricity or AWS.

Mr. Sulu, Step On It!

CSV imports run up to 2X faster. OLAP aggregates run up to 10X faster. All because Vitesse DB pushes your x86 CPU to its limits.

speed limit

About Vitesse Data, Inc.

We are a small start up based in the Bay Area with deep data expertise. Today, most databases in the market are still optimizing for I/O while the world has moved on. Machines these days sport huge memory, SSD arrays, and multiple many-core CPUs. As a result, most database working set fit comfortably in memory and the CPUs are now a serious limiting factor. We aim to make the database fast again by squeezing performance out of CPUs.


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We are working hard to complete a multi-threaded version of Vitesse DB, which would be able to utilize multiple cores to execute complex queries. This should speed up CPU-intensive queries even more significantly.

For other inquiries, please send email to: info at