経済 |
3年ほど前にブログ上の貨幣論議でStephen Williamsonと丁々発止とやり合い*1、最近はピケティ論で久々にエコノブロゴスフィアの表舞台に顔を覗かせたMatthew Rognlieが、アンドレイ・シュライファーらとNBER論文(ungated版)を書いている。論文のタイトルは「Investment Hangover and the Great Recession」で、著者はAlp Simsek、Andrei Shleifer、Matthew Rognlie(SimsekとRognlieはMIT、Shleiferはハーバード)。
We present a model of investment hangover motivated by the Great Recession. In our model, overbuilding of residential capital requires a reallocation of productive resources to nonresidential sectors, which is facilitated by a reduction in the real interest rate. If the fall in the interest rate is limited by the zero lower bound and nominal rigidities, then the economy enters a liquidity trap with limited reallocation and low output. The drop in output reduces nonresidential investment through a mechanism similar to the acceleration principle of investment. The burst in nonresidential investment is followed by an even greater boom due to low interest rates during the liquidity trap. The boom in nonresidential investment induces a partial and asymmetric recovery in which the residential sector is left behind, consistent with the broad trends of the Great Recession.
- 9 http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.info?_id=02db597254ec68550537866a2fca2ce6
- 5 http://t.co/aqOrTFsPsR
- 4 http://feedly.com/
- 2 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/shinichiroinaba/
- 1 http://a.hatena.ne.jp/yyasuda/
- 1 http://b.hatena.ne.jp/entry/d.hatena.ne.jp/himaginary/20141016/Investment_Hangover_and_the_Great_Recession
- 1 http://homepage3.nifty.com/ronten/advanced-macro2010.htm
- 1 http://pipes.yahoo.com/pipes/pipe.run?_id=9340f72e4944a6d2ba972adc2e9406bc&_render=rss
- 1 http://search.yahoo.co.jp/search?p=FRB議長 を務めたウィリアム・マーチンの有名な言葉の??%
- 1 http://www.feedspot.com/