This Is Not Latinx

Tired of the fetishization, racism and cultural appropriation of latinx cultures. Also featured on this blog are latinx issues, and notable/famous latinxs.





dear people of tumblr, i just want to let you know that this is not okay:


it really irks me when i see people who are outside of my culture/race/heritage/etc use day of the dead makeup and such as halloween costumes. i don’t attempt to speak for everyone, but i know i’m…

pretty sure shes painted like a skeleton. grow up. and if she’s not, shes not MOCKING traditions. shes honouring them

give me your address, I wanna fight.
if she was fucking mexican this wouldn’t be a big deal and you know what’s racist?
judging people based on their race

First of all, you are not the one to tell if she’s honouring our traditions or not, it’s us. Second, I’ve done some research and not a single page in which this appears is about Mexican culture, so yeah, very probably it’s appropriation of Mexican culture. Third, yes, it wouldn’t be a fucking deal if she was Mexican BECAUSE IT IS A MEXICAN TRADITION. And fourth, you obviously can’t tell the difference between ethnicity and race, so shut up.

6 months ago on 5 April 2014 @ 11:21am + 9,237 notes
via hello-this-is-blog (originally kristineirl)
# latinxDía de muertoscultural appropriation
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    there is a big difference between appreciating a culture, and cultural appropriation. also, how do you ‘celebrate’ a...
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  21. yunggodess reblogged this from lewdneko and added:
    Smh ignorant ! just because you’re not apart of a culture doesn’t mean you can’t have appreciation for that culture . We...
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    Thank you SO MUCH Kristine for making an easily reference-able post
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