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[–]pencock -45 ポイント-44 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Ah yes

Of course. I don't have HPV nor do you. I have told you a hundred times we are not seriously dating. You know that I was seeing her now infrequently. But you thought you might as well destroy my apartment alongside her anyways.

Yes, enjoy the police report and probable jail time.

[–]thecatdoesdrugs 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (4子コメント)

i call bullshit.

[–]pencock -25 ポイント-24 ポイント  (3子コメント)

On what?

She very, VERY clearly knew that we were not monogamous nor was I dating her seriously. I very specifically used the term "not dating seriously" with her on a regular basis as she pushed for more. I told her several times when I saw another girl. And yes, she and one of the other girls fucking wrecked my place today. And yes, they are probably going to jail.

ps: the "other women" are not at all people I was "seriously dating" either. Pretty much the entire title is huge amounts of hyperbole.

pps: I don't have any HPV symptoms nor have I had any HPV symptoms, viral shedding does not typically occur in heavy amounts without symptoms. I dunno maybe it could possibly be ONE OF THE OTHER GUYS SHE FUCKED?

PPPS: other girl fucked 3 other guys during our time together. Hilarious how you both try to pin a damn thing on me.

[–]dazedndconfusd 15 ポイント16 ポイント  (1子コメント)

So I feel like I shouldnt even have to justify this... but you slandering my name irks me like no other. I slept with 2 men a total of 4 times since our FIRST break up earlier in January, never mind the fact that we got back together again and then had another soft breakup a few months later. And I know the exact days I slep with those guys too, because I take multiples partners just that fucking seriously. I used condoms with them each time and INFORMED you about what I was doing. I never lied, I was very honest and open about it.

You on the other hand LIED TO ME. You said you were seeing one other person on and off- with protection- but very rarely, as it were. Do not talk about hyperbole. Cut the fucking self-righteous indignation. Own up to what you did. You lied to us both, end of story.

And yes, you have fucking HPV. Unprotected sex will give it to you, which we've been doing for 2 years, considering we discussed that I was the only woman you were doing that with. My gynecologist took a biopsy, and I told you about it right after I got out of his office. And this was on September 17th. I have proof of what I'm saying, DO YOU?

[–]critiqu3ADHDiva 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

There's this thing called ASYMPTOMATIC where you have no visible symptoms, but still give the STI to other people. With how much you know about HPV, I'm surprised that your first response is to completely deny having it. Not everybody has symptoms when they shed the virus.

And I don't think you know what subreddit you're in. Lying, cheating, man-children are downvoted to the pits of hell. No amount of butthurt and denial can save you.