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Walla Walla Union-Bulletin (Newspaper) - December 1, 1967, Walla Walla, Washington Pl'RLIC SOUGHT Library Intent Letter Is Published in Full WALLA WALLA PUBLIC LIBRARY ADVISORY COUPON The present building is inadequate. Circumstances have made it possible to construct a new building within the next year without additional taxes at this time. (City may need to vote a bond issue at some future date.) Do you favor the City Council taking advantage of this opportunity? NO.......... YES. NAME PRECINCT The City Council has asked you are willing to accept pay- ment in cash or bonds of the city at a rate and term to be mutually established. The city to give ninety (90 days advance notice on the firs day of any month of its inten tion to complete the purchase of the project. In summary, you are: 1) Willing to sell your rea estate with completed librarj facility at its fair market value to the city for cash or bonds for public opinion about a pro- posed means of financing a new library building. Walla Walla residents are asked to fill out the coupon in today's Union- Bulletin and send or mail it to the present library. Petitions favoring the new library pro- posal are available for signing at the library and from mem- bers of the Friends of the Li- brary organization. Following is the full text of the "Memorandum of Walla Walla Public Library" be- tween City Manager Larry Smith and Don Sherwood, presi- dent of Sherwood and Roberts, Inc. Sherwood has offered to build the library and lease it to the city. The memorandum is dated Nov. 22, 1967. 'Dear Mr. Sherwood: Since I initiated discussions with you as to the possible pur- chase by the city of the real estate owned by you, located between Alder and Poplar Streets, at the junction of Spo- kane Street, you have suggested alternative proposals looking to the immediate construction by you of a suitable library on a lease with open option to pur- Or, 2) You are willing to buil chase basis in behalf of the city. In order to confirm our un- derstanding of the several al- ternatives available, I am list- ing the basic proposals below for your review and indication of agreement or exception if necessary in your judgment. 1) You are willing to sell your real estate to the city at its suspeded. Forfeits of fair market value for cash or for bonds of the city at a rate and term to be mutually estab- owner, listed, providing construction of the library must be approved as provided in this memoran- dum and started by July This proposal is subject to the city accepting title after the construction of the library build- ing at its exact overall cost. The city may pay the entire cost in cash or bonds of the city at a rate and term to be mutually established. Or, 2) You are willing to advance the actual overall cost for im- mediate acquisition of the li- brary building and equipment based on a city approved de- sign by architects selected by the city and construction by a contractor or contractors se- lected by the city following com- petitive bidding in the usual manner. Under this proposal you are agreeable to leasing and-or con- tract to sell the real estate to- gether with buildings and equip- ment to the city for a period of 25 years at a constant com- pletely net payment of per month based on a total esti- mated overall cost of Monthly payments to be ad- justed proportionally up or down to the exact final overall cost of the project. j Under this proposal you are agreeable at any time during the term of the proposed lease or contract of sale to sell the real estate, building, and equip- ment to the city (or its nomi- neel at its exact original cost, or in the case of contract of sale at the amount of the re- maining principal balance and NURSERY Stock Reductions SALE! 20% Off on ALL SHRUBS TREES! Roses Holland 2 for 1 SALE CLEARANCE of Yardman LAWN MOWERS at OUR COST! Blue Mountain NURSERY 1 Mile of MI The M.-F. Hiffcwar. CLOSED MOW TUES. NewPKww No 1-503 938-7436 and lease or contract to sell th library to the city with an open option for the city to purchase the project at any time for cash or bonds. It is understood you require a final decision from the city not later than Dec. 15, 1967, and that if no indication of approval is received by you on or prior to that date, you will consider our discussions as terminated. Sincerely yours, City of Walla Walla, (signed) Larry Smith, City Manager. I am in substantial agreement with the above menorandum of intent relating to the Walla Wal- la Public Library project and subject to my ability to termi- nate a lease with the Standard Oil Company on a small portion of the real estate and an agree- able adjustment of a lease with the Goodyear Tire Company on another parking area, I am in- dicating my approval. (Both Standard Oil Company and Goodyear Tire have orally in- dicated their complete coopera- tion with the proposed civic bet Essay Champs Renee Anthony, sti Manuel, Chris MacDonald is Seville Maccarone were scho rogram is to give students an nsight into the way dustries operate. raw The Educational ABC's of fin dustry is designed for YA f Browni eans, celery and carrot stix, bread nd butter and blackberry cobbler. Friday: Saucy Linkettes, mixed vege- ables, tossed salad, bread and butter md fruit iello. Gulphers, or peb'can eels, live feet or more below the sea's surface. Because of wne-chilling cold and darkness, these dark fish have a serious 'ood problem and it is common for the species to eat ;heir own kind or even larger fish. bail for speeding were: Robert Jefferson, Pilot Rock, Jack Schroeder, College Place, Delia Moon, Vancouver, Wash., Stella Har- mon, College Place, John w. John- son, Walla Walla, Eugene S. Crump Jr. Walla Walla, Norman Boeppe, Twin Fas, Idaho, nd J. G. Patzkow- ski. Walla Walla, The natives of Tibet are among the world's greatest tea drinkers. The average Tibetan drinks 30 to 50 cups a day of the beverage. When Your Appetite Needs A Friend... It Takes Only 42 Pancakes To Cover A Doghouse... But- Only One Trip To The Carrousel For Breakfast. Our Customers Have 34% Fewer Hunger Pangs. ENTER THE WORLD OF ___________________________by REMCO twitiw TV Hat bvuor wltt 3 color flohlnc Hctt MM, twrtt, oporattd, totlts not 3.50 VALUE 3 Star Trek SMM Ship ENTERPRISE Scad pUrtic kH, rtadjr to issombU, conplott with ItfMs wlrtof. 2.00 VALUE 1.77 be discoverers, were VtCKS REDUCING PLAN CANDY program Closed Brownie circle, taps, and the silent clasping of hands. Refreshments were then made and served by the girls. Troop 371 is spon- the EaStgate Lions REDUCING GILLETTE SUPER SILVER Stainless Steel BLADES BE SURE TO SEE 1967 NATIONAL DRIVERS TEST Tue., Dec. 5- 10 P.M. Channel 4 Sponsored by Travelers Insurance fir Cox-Jones Insurance local representative. Coldene Cough Cold Test Forms available Free at Our Office- 1st fir Alder. cough fighter and cold fighter ALBOLENE in one bottle 4-ot. size ORA DENTURE CLEANER with denture bath 1st. Main Downtown Monday's Merchant Lunch: Hallopste! Cafe CARROUSEL 'STAR TREK' Astro Buzz Ray Gun 27 fires yrrnadet, 3.00 OTHER EXCITING STAR TREK TOYS FLYING ROCKET PLANE STE 3.47 ROCKET PISTOL 2-way- battery operated ASTRO WRIST RADIO ASTRO HELMET ASTROCRUISER ASTROCOPTER ASTROTANK 6.00 Star Trek 3.00 vatoc..... movable cannons, fires 2.50 Drops missilet. rotor tvrns. 2.00 Turret tarns, shoots 2.50 Tafoe
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