"Real" Feminism

If you’re male, just like me, you do NOT get to dicatate what “real” feminism is.

Yes, there are people who say some uncomfortable things in the name of feminism. Yes, it can be a sucky feeling. But try to put yourself in their shoes, to imagine what it’s like to be met with prejudice that is in favor of the opposite gender and at the expense of one’s own gender on a daily basis, something that I’m sure is far more of a hassle than “x person talked about men who cause problems to women”.

Not everything is about you and your feelings. Don’t just dismiss a socially progressive idea just because it makes you feel a little bothered.

  1. knallgas reblogged this from rayderedere and added:
    That is why feminism is not about equality. If they would be about equality, why would they implement a caste system of...
  2. rayderedere posted this