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Jesus, Is the Secret Service Trying To Kill Obama?

Jesus, Is the Secret Service Trying To Kill Obama?SExpand
News just broke of the Secret Service's third failed assassination of President Obama—according to reports, agents allowed a guy with a gun to get in an elevator with the president earlier this month and had no idea he was armed until someone else pointed it out.
According to the Washington Post, the president was in Atlanta at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Sept. 16 when the Secret Service broke protocol (once again), allowing an armed CDC security guard to board the elevator with them.
Agents became suspicious when the man refused to stop filming Obama during the elevator ride and ran a background check on him, revealing three prior assault and battery convictions.
The Washington Examiner reports the guard's supervisor declared his behavior to be "highly irresponsible"—and then demanded the man turn over his gun.
Secret Service agents were reportedly "shocked" to learn he was armed.
Before the president travels anywhere, Secret Service agents make it their job to know who will have access to the president and anyone with a gun needs special clearance and may not be allowed to carry it when the president is onsite.
In addition to the Secret Service, only sworn law enforcement officers are allowed to be armed at a location where the president is visiting, the source said. Contract security officers are not allowed to be armed.
[image via AP]
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The fucked up thing is that President Obama still must depend on these yahoos for protection, so all he and Mrs. Obama can say publicly is that they support them and are grateful for them.
Are they just allowing random people off the streets be Secret Service agents? Do they even bother with training any more, or do they just get a black suit, earpiece, and sunglasses along with their White House assignment on their first day?
Just saw this exchange in the congressional hearing, and, I will say again what I said a few hours ago. Julia Pierson has to go. With all the technology at their disposal, the idea that the Secret Service still let the president into an elevator at a government facility (!) without being aware that there's an armed ex-con in there with him is totally unacceptable. This is Keystone Kops level bad.
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