yes children, remember, there is only School. no rest. what does “physical and mental wellbeing” mean
what the actual fuck
what is this fixation with productivity holy shit
"No fellow citizen #45465, you may not sit down for a break, you must meet your labour quota for this hour or you will forfeit your productivity ”bonus” pay. Produce and consume, Fellow Citizens!”
"Helpful hint: replace basic functions/necessities like sleep with a more productive activity"
It saddens me that more people don’t recognize how much there is to learn about oppression and domination from school. Not at school, mind you, from school. You put ordinary people, your teachers, principals, administrators, in positions of arbitrary authority, and they abuse it, they must! They lose their view of humanity over their subjects, they lose all rationality. Power intoxicates, it corrupts. It’s why they can make such a big deal about (*gasp*) the length of girls’ skirts. It’s why they can write letters like these, with such obliviousness to basic human needs like, y’know, sleep. They don’t understand how fucking ridiculous they’re being, how unreasonable they’re being. Power makes the powerful dehumanize people. What happens in school is a microcosm of the rest of society.