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[–]LordNat -18 ポイント-17 ポイント  (8子コメント)

There is rumors going around 4chan that Alsciende was hired on by AEG to do the new Doomtown: Reloaded deck builder and shut down NetrunnerDB to pull the community over there.

http://boards.4chan.org/tg/thread/34951093 is the current thread, 4chan threads are prone to disappear quickly so I will edit it out once it purges.

[–]rumirumirumirumi 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't buy it.

[–]LordNat 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I find it unlikely too but the reference back to Pendragon reopened some old DotA wounds so I am still eyeing it carefully. It'd not be the first time some one did something like that to push a new project they moved too, I have no reason to trust Alsciende so I'd not be shocked it if ended up being true.

So over all grain of salt and all that.

[–]dbzer0 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (0子コメント)

As someone at least partly on the inside, this is all nonsense.

I've personally asked Alsciende if he'd be willing to help me port the NetrunnerDB source to Doomtown:Reloaded because it's currently lacking a good deckbuilder, and he told me he's not interested in Doomtown.

[–]turkey_berzerkyTaggin' Dragon 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Congratulations, you just fielded the dumbest theory I've heard yet. And it comes from 4chan, no less.

[–]BerrrGo on, run the server, you know you want to ;) 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

From personal conversations I have had with Alsciende, I can guarantee you this is not true.

[–]Rejusu 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (2子コメント)

If that were the case then FFG would likely have released a statement saying that they did not send him a C&D in order to do some damage control on the bad publicity over it. I find it hard to believe that they conveniently sent him a C&D so he could make a move like this.

[–]LordNat -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

From what was said on 4chan there are signs point back awhile ago (even before Jinteki.net started) and he might have been planning an exit and the C&D was just good timing for him. People also pointed out WotC (who have a stake in Netrunner) pulled a move just like this to a group of Andorid and iOS apps that all used an API to allow them to pull card info. So FFG might have just walked into the worst timing ever on this one.

That said all said till we get offical disclosure on the entire conversations with Alsciende and FFG I have no way to tell anything going on so kind of pointless for me to try and work it out.

Alsciende keeps sounding like he is twisting things in his favor so I kind of side with FFG on this one with the data set we have but outside of that who knows.

[–]diegofsv#FreeNRDB 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (0子コメント)

How in gods name is he twisting things to make FFG the bad guy? Is FFG silence not telling enough? The guy spends his time to make an awesome thing for the game, he even changed his servers not a long time ago, and he is an evil villain planning all this crap just to blame FFG and go to another game? I'm pretty sure that if he was contracted by AEG he would just say he is moving forward and none of this would happens. This theory is so stupid because NRDB is opensource and we could just create another identical site with it so all we need was a response from FFG telling he is lying and NRDB is completly legal. You guys are crazy