Animals are here with us, not for us.
*all answered asks have been tagged 'replies'* Vegan. Feminist. Atheist. Misanthrope. Potterhead. Breadcrumb. Mermaid. Yes I know I have a Harry Potter theme, but this is my ANIMAL RIGHTS blog. I also occasionally post on feminist/race related/ LGBTQIA issues. Anti-pornography. If you are anthropocentric go away, I don't like you.
  1. My Pictures
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Racism in advertising.
This is what we’re told constantly. That our brown skin is ugly and that we can only be beautiful if we’re white.

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  9. moribundant reblogged this from hermajestyzelda and added:
    I sincerely disagree. No hard feelings.
  10. hermajestyzelda reblogged this from moribundant and added:
    The fact these products exist is a result of racism. That’s the bottom line.
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  17. quixoticgood reblogged this from xthegirlwithkaleidoscopeeyesx and added:
    Holy hell that first one though— “you are a white woman tragically imprisoned in a brown body”. Fuck anyone who sends...
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