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[–]Wait_What_Happened 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'd blame the difference in this subs content on the fact that a lot of people didnt know it existed until a picture of someones naked mom made it to /r/all. So this is now the naked mom subreddit because thats how you make it to /r/all

[–]Belgand 12 ポイント13 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Which one was that? The windsurfing picture the other day? Not really. The NSFW trend was growing even before then. I believe it was because it became a default sub fairly recently. Look at it just a few months ago and it wasn't quite what it is now. Then people started moving things more and more away from "cool" and into "sexy" and it attracted upvotes so it just snowballed from there. Before then it was more pictures of McQueen or Brando looking badass or Bacall or Taylor looking glamorous, then people started posting their parents looking awesome tooling around on motorcycles and muscle cars until someone realized that Jamie Lee Curtis had amazing breasts back in the day.