white people do not get to say whats racist and whats not
when a person of color tells you something youre doing is racist, you fucking listen and stop doing it
i dont care if it seems unreasonable or if south park told you its okay, it is not that hard to stop doing it
Oh look, exactly this.
So… This statement is racist. White is a race too, and it is racist to make a derogatory statement directed strictly at white people and making a generalization like this. Racism in not just a black issue…. It’s a people issue.
Sorry, friend. A few things. This:
"Here’s the problem with that response: Racism is not about white people’s understanding of the nuances and varieties of white people. It is about the lived experience of people of color.
“Not all white people” is a racist response.
“Not all white people” denies the experience of the writer.
“Not all white people” cuts off further conversation about race.”
And this:
"Reverse racism is not real because racial prejudice directed at White people doesn’t have the weight of institutional oppression behind it, but that doesn’t meant that White people aren’t sometimes hurt by racial prejudice.
…equating racial prejudice against White folks with that experienced by people of Color erases the often-invisible structures of oppression at play, and doing so ensures that we never actually deal with root causes.”
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