so i’m a bit nervous because I’m hosting the San Francisco hetalia day meetup and the only cosplay I can pull together would be fem!spain. However I’m rather pale now and I posted my Spain cosplay last year and people said stuff like cultural appropriation and??? ?? what to do?? I thought people could cosplay any character regardless of skin color but this is only limited to all non-white people??

September 21st, 2014 , 33 notes

  1. pinnecola reblogged this from hagumis
  2. colorfulvirtuoso said: Cosplay what you want to cosplay. I don’t see why cosplaying as a hetalia character could be defined as appropriation, so I think you should cosplay whatever makes you happy. ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
  3. burnonyx reblogged this from hagumis and added:
    I don’t you should worry about it, you can cosplay whoever you want. Also, I’m from Spain and I’m very pale and with a...
  4. bornabitch-allthedaysandnights reblogged this from hagumis and added:
    ethnically spanish (people from spain in europe, not ‘latino/hispanic’ people which aren’t the same thing) people are...
  5. letsdancetothestereotypes reblogged this from culturalappropriationon and added:
    Yo, haven’t you heard of the universal cosplay rule? It doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, yellow, brown, a guy, a...
  6. blackjackgabbiani reblogged this from culturalappropriationon and added:
    I’m not very familiar with Hetalia other an most of the characters dress like ponses, but an embodiment of Spain would...
  7. culturalappropriationon reblogged this from hagumis and added:
    These were likely comments from people that believe cosplaying any hetalia when not from that country is CA. Which is...
  8. koolkon08 said: If it worries you a lot go to a nearby pharmacy and pick up some tanning lotion. The kind that will actually change your skin tone for a day or two. Mom used to have it- $20 a bottle. Worked great. Kinda bullshit that someone called appropriation >.>
  9. rika-nyan said: people from spain are white as hell in the first place??? ex:christopher colombus
  10. colorfulpandalover reblogged this from hagumis
  11. knight-0f-doom said: Anyone can cosplay anything they want to. If you’re as pale as a ghost, and you want to cosplay Spain, then get that cosplay together and be the best damn Spain you can be!
  12. caliginous--quadrant said: where what you want. it’s cosplay. if it’s cultural appropriation for white people (it’s not) then it is for everyone else. go have fun!
  13. aradiajpg said: Cosplay whoever you want!
  14. queer-sama said: I think you should definitely cospay fem!spain. Fuck those people who said that. Cosplaying doesn’t have rules. You can cosplay anyone no matter what your gender is or the color of your skin. Cosplay is supposed to be fun :) So please enjoy yourself
  15. charmed-coquette said: That’s so annoying because there are people in Spain who meet the typically “white” look so fuck those people they have no idea what they’re talking about
  16. eridan-ampurrrra said: You cosplay whatever you want and look fabulous doing it
  17. hagumis posted this