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Is this gallery of sexy cyberpunk ladies chauvinistic? /r/Cyberpunk calmly discusses. (self.SubredditDrama)
SentientRhombus が 1 分 前 投稿
I've already commented all over this page because I arrived before it blew up and I cherish pointless debate - so mods, if this submission is inappropriate feel free to remove it. I only ask that you and/or somebody else please resubmit it in my stead.
I won't editorialize, just link to the juicy stuff:
In regards to feminism and multiculturalism: Who cares? Also, eat a bag of dicks and/or vaginas.
Why did OP do it? Searover asks the hard-hitting questions.
Is Justin Bieber Cyberpunk now? Confusion as the conversation veers off track.
Busted... OP's secret plot revealed.
All that and so much more in the full comments!
Note: In case it's not completely obvious, images in the linked gallery are NSFW.
for more information, see our privacy policy.
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