Some social justice bloggers need to stop.
There’s a difference between someone liking part of a culture and appropriating it. If a white girl likes dreadlocks, who says she can’t have dreadlocks? Who says only black people can have dreadlocks? I think trying to make people stay in their stereotypical groups is more harmful than a white person who really likes a part of a culture and decides to do it/wear it but… That’s just me I guessYESSSSSSSSSSSS
YEEEEESSSSSS let’s only care how a white person feels and rather than how the Black person feels when a honky steals their culture, oppresses, and creates stereotypes that induce the murder of Black people!!! The “white people can’t dance” stereotype is sooooo harmful!!!!!!
White supremacy has never gone too far, only social justice blogs who say white people can’t wear dreadlocks (even for all the right reasons that white people choose to ignore).
When a bully beats the jelly out of someone, shouldn’t we all care about the bully’s injured hand?? The victim was only in the bully’s way and got the bully mad so why blame the bully for having feelings??? RIGHT??? YEEEEESSSSSS WE MAKE TOTAL SENSE
/white logic that doesn’t make sense
- Jess
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