Liberals Say Dress Code At Hulk Hogan’s Restaurant Is “Racist.” Look How Hulkamania Responds…


Hogan’s restaurant in Tampa, Florida bars attire containing profanity, sports or sleeveless jerseys, plain white t-shirts, shorts, oversized/baggy/low hanging pants, torn clothing, workout clothing, do-rags, bandanas, skull caps, non-forward-facing hats. It also prohibits work boots and high-top sneakers.

Naturally, TMZ staff says the dress code “appears to target black people” (white people don’t wear these clothes?) because it bans clothing “popular with the urban crowd.” Commenting on the story, people agreed, “Wow does that place have a whites only bathroom too?” Another person comments, “That’s okay, soon they will have NO customers and fold up and go out of business. Management must be new to this.”

Attention TMZ staff: If this dress code is racist, then you should post more articles about how nearly every night club and bar has racist dress codes. False accusations of racism undermine the seriousness of actual racism.

Hulk Hogan’s response:

Hulk — who doesn’t own the eatery but licenses his name to it — tells us he called the restaurant’s managers personally … and demanded the sign be taken down — permanently … and they agreed.

Hogan says the dress code was modeled after ones used at Las Vegas and Miami pool parties — He says it was never meant to be racist, but understands some people take it that way … so he 86′d it.

Source: TMZ


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  • Jeffrey Coley

    Sounds a little excessive to me. I don’t wear any of that stuff and I’m a little put off by it. The attitude, mostly, as if the Hulkster is doing me a favor letting me come into his restaurant.

  • Richard Blue

    WHAT HULK HOGAN SAYS IS TRUE!! And you wonder why you people have trouble connecting with anybody with even HALF a brain.

    • Brad

      Judging by your sentence structure, it seems you lack even a half of one.

  • Kevin

    Seriously? Than don’t eat there if that’s what you’re wearing. I’ve never been here, but nearly any respectable club or 3 start+ restaurant will tell you the same thing. If you want to dress like a bum then go to McDonalds

  • Rob

    Who cares how thin-skinned narcissists take it? I don’t want to see scrubs at a joint I’m dropping big dime at. There is nothing wrong with requiring standards of dress; that thugs and hoods are known for not dressing like normal people isn’t the fault of the establishment. Put the sign back up, and tell the nazis to sit down and shut up before we SIT them down and SHUT them up.

  • Cause_I_Can

    The hulkster gave it the big boot and then dropped a leg on management.

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