2. And the shmoney song
See more Vines
6. The “Ratchet Girl Anthem”
11. Biggie Smalls
See more Vines
12. Nelly
13. Kendrick Lamar
See more Vines
14. “You Guessed It”
See more Vines
15. Rap, et. al
the king and queen of rap
17. The nae nae
See more Vines
23. Cigarillos
26. Dreadlocks
when I google dreadlocks and a lot of this pops up. white. people. ruin. everything.
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29 Things White People Ruined
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Facebook Conversations
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- .Jasmine Shaw · Top Commenter · Vance-Granville Community CollegeOf all the actual injustice black people have to face in a daily basis you would think white people would be thankful that they are only being poked fun at over the internet.
- .Jill Welsby · Top Commenter · State University of New York at FredoniaSilly commenters, don't you realize it's never racism if it's about white people!…
- .Britt Ingram · Top Commenter · Lexington, KentuckyI'm safe because I don't know what 95% of that shit is.
- .Austin Danger Verner · Production Support Specialist at KoolSpanMaking fun of people with white skin: "It's just a joke you guys, calm down! lol!"
Making fun of people with any other color of skin: "OMG THAT'S SO RACIST YOU'RE A TERRIBLE PERSON"
Hypocrisy, hypocrisy everywhere.- .JD Sides · Top Commenter · Smiths StationKathryn Kearney dominate race??? Really? Have you seen how easy shit is for black people? I can never throw a race card and get anything.. if a cop kills a white kid.. He just dead.. Nobody comes to protest it.. Nobody puts it on air.. Try as we may... Not news worthy. Let a black kid get shot by a cop.. NATIONAL NEWS!!!! it is a double standard that we as White people have to be on Edge while being judged and blamed on everything we do or have. Like it is somehow our fault that the Black population is killing themselves off and choosing a lifestyle of street life over education because some punkass rapper says it is cool.
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- .Billy Mau · Top Commenter · SHSUDear white people,
Until Buzzfeed burns crosses in your yard, or the buzzfeed police pull you over just because, or the people at buzzfeed inflict even one half of one percent of the bullshit that white people (not necessarily yourself) have visited up minorities in this and other countries, then MAYBE you can cry about racism.
But until then, here is a simple test to see if you are a target of racism. Get a couple of your other white friends and casually ride bicycles through a nice neighborhood. Don't hassle anyone. Wave and smile when you see people. If you make it more than two laps through the neighborhood without cops stopping you, you are not a target of racism and can resume your normal day of manufacturing outrage over how bad you have it.- .Hannah Bush Geurin · Bryant, ArkansasThis is so ignorant. Other races assuming that every white person is racist is a form of racism. Not being allowed to jump rope as a kid with a group of black girls because I was white? racism. Being laughed at when you enjoy listening to rap music because you are white? racism. Being told you are given everything in life just because you are white? racism. Being told you dance like a white girl? racism. Being called racist because you don't like President Obama. racism. Would you like me to go on? People can definitely be racist towards white people. And anyone who says otherwise really needs to get a reality check.
- .Billy Mau · Top Commenter · SHSUHannah Bush Geurin and how has any of this held you back in life? Sure you've been prejudiced against, but has your race been a negative for you in your endeavors? I'm white. People can be prejudiced against me, but my race can't hold me back in this country. People can be mean to me on an individual level, but people can be prejudiced or mean to anyone. There is a profound difference between prejudice and racism.
- .Terrance Hunter · Social Media & Consumer Engagement Specialist at Morrie's Automotive GroupThat Biggie Smalls Kids Bop is an affront to nature.
- .Lauren Pryor Campbell · Top Commenter · Business Development Manager at Clym Environmental Services, LLC.
- .Jessica Zablocky · Top Commenter · Trumbull, ConnecticutOkay, so at this point you people at Buzzfeed are just making white people lists all day trying to get as many comments as possible- it's working but it's annoying. Disclaimer - I'm white.
- .Jessica Zablocky · Top Commenter · Trumbull, ConnecticutYou are missing my point, Sir that is just itching to get into an argument. I don't think this is racist, I don't care that white people are being made fun of and I am all for laughing at anyone and everyone. HOWEVER what I'm saying is this is BF's like 4th article in the past two days about just white people, all im saying is come up with something else to write about.
- .Joliet Il · Top Commenter · Westchester Community Collegethis post is better - http://globalflare.com/
29-times-buzzfeed-was-racis t/ - .Aaron Khan · Top Commenter · Denver, ColoradoNo but seriously, all this racism against Whites is just bad. Minorities have it unbelievably easy - all they've had to deal with is their culture being exploited, mass incarceration, racial profiling by cops, and be systematically denied employment. Doesn't even compare to the utter HELL of being teased about awkward dancing and rapping poorly by an internet list. I literally can't even!
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