when will people please stop using the “being trans is a disease so you can’t be trans unless you have medically diagnosed dysphoria” thing in discussions of being trans / nonbinary / etc. ?

because science and medicine have historically been used to oppress people (i.e. drapetomania, used to justify eugenics of disabled people, PoC, etc.)

so an extreme, unquestioning dependence on a discipline that is ever-changing and developing with a large and extensive history in the use of moral justification for oppression is just

1) wrong, and

2) oppressive considering the history behind many facets of it

  1. allofyouguysarefuckingannoying reblogged this from 11235456 and added:
    But no one is saying that being trans is a disease and if you’re going to say “science is problematic” when its been...
  2. 11235456 posted this